Timing Belt: Service and Repair
NOTE: Disconnect battery ground cable.
1. Remove air cleaner duct assembly.
2. Remove radiator upper fan shroud.
- Remove from radiator.
3. Remove cooling fan assembly.
- Remove four nuts, then the cooling fan assembly.
4. Remove power steering pump drive belt.
5. Remove air Conditioning compressor drive belt.
6. Remove generator drive belt.
7. Remove fan pulley assembly.
8. Remove crankshaft pulley assembly.
- Using special tool J8614-O1, hold crankshaft pulley.
- Remove center bolt, then the pulley.
9. Remove oil cooler hose.
- Remove two cooler hose bracket fixing bolts on the timing cover.
10. Remove timing belt cover.
11. Remove timing belt pusher.
CAUTION: The pusher prevents air from entering the oil chamber. Its rod must always be facing upward.
12. Remove timing belt.
1. Do not bend or twist the belt, otherwise its core could be damaged. The belt should not be bent at a radius less than 3Omm.
2. Do not allow oil or other chemical substances to come in contact with the belt. They will shorten the belt life.
3. Do not attempt to pry or stretch the belt with a screwdriver or any other tool during installation.
4. Store timing belt in a cool and dark place. Never expose the belt to direct sunlight or heat.
13. Remove camshaft pulley.
- Using special tool J-41472, hold camshaft pulley and remove the fixing bolt, then the pulley.
1. Install camshaft pulley.
- Using special tool J-41472, hold camshaft pulley and tighten the camshaft pulley fixing bolt to the specified torque.
Torque: 55 N.m (41 lb.ft)
2. Install timing belt.
1. Align groove of crankshaft timing pulley with mark on oil pump.
2. Align the marks on the camshaft timing pulleys with the corresponding dots on the front plate.
NOTE: When timing marks are aligned, No.2 piston will be on T.D.C.
3. Align the alignment mark (white line) on the timing belt with the alignment mark on the RH bank camshaft timing pulley (on the left side as viewed from the front of the vehicle). Secure the belt with a double clip.
4. Align the alignment mark (white line) on the timing belt with the alignment mark on the LH bank camshaft timing pulley. Secure the belt with a double clip.
5. Install timing belt. Align the dotted alignment mark on the timing belt with the mark on the crankshaft gear.
NOTE: For correct belt installation, the letters the belt must be able to be read as viewed from the front of the vehicle.
It is recommended for easy installation that the belt be secured with double clips after it is installed to each pulley.
6. Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise to remove the belt slack between the crankshaft timing pulley and the RH bank camshaft timing pulley.
7. Install the belt on the water pump pulley.
8. Install the belt on the idler pulley.
9. Install crankshaft pulley temporarily and tighten center bolt by hand (do not use a wrench). Turn the crankshaft pulley clockwise to give some belt slack between the crankshaft timing pulley and the RH bank camshaft timing pulley.
10. Install the pusher while pushing the tension pulley to the belt.
11. Pull out the pin from the pusher.
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Part 2 Of 2:
NOTE: When reusing the pusher, press the pusher to retract the rod and insert a pin (1.4 mm piano wire).
12. Remove double clips from pulleys. Turn the crankshaft pulley clockwise by two turns.
3. Install timing belt pusher.
- Tighten bolt to the specified torque.
Torque 19 N.m (14 lb.ft)
4. Install timing belt cover.
- Remove crankshaft pulley.
- Tighten bolts to the specified torque.
Torque 17 N.m (12 lb.ft)
5. Install oil cooler hose.
- Tighten oil cooler hose bracket bolts to the specified torque.
Torque 22 N.m (16 lb.ft)
6. Install crankshaft pulley.
- Using special tool J-8614-01, hold the crankshaft pulley.
- Tighten center bolt to the specified torque.
Torque 167 N.m (123 lb.ft)
7. Install fan pulley assembly.
- Tighten fixing bolt to the specified torque.
Torque 22 N.m (16 lb.ft)
8. Adjust generator drive belt.
9. Adjust air conditioning drive belt.
10. Adjust power steering pump drive belt.
11. Install cooling fan assembly.
- Tighten nuts to the specified torque.
Torque 8 N.m (69 lb.in)
12. Install radiator upper fan shroud.
13. Install air cleaner duct assembly.