Removal1. Raise the vehicle, and make sure it is securely supported.
2. Remove the drain plug (A), and drain the automatic transmission fluid (ATF). Reinstall the drain plug with a now sealing washer (B).
3. Remove the primary heated oxygen sensor (Primary H02S) connector (A) from its connector bracket (B).
4. Disconnect the Primary H02S connector (A), and remove the harness from the harness clamp (C).
5. Remove the front sub-frame stiffener.
6. Remove the Primary H02S harness (B) from the clamp (C) on the transfer mounting bolt.
7. Remove exhaust pipe A.
8. Make a reference mark (A) across the propeller shaft (B) and the transfer companion flange (C).
9. Separate the propeller shaft from the transfer assembly.
10. Remove the transfer assembly from the transmission.