Power Mirror
Power MirrorsHow the Circuit Works
The power mirror switch controls the left and right power mirrors. Each mirror has two reversible motors: one motor moves the mirror up and down and the other motor moves the mirror left and right.
The power mirror switch contains four switches to control mirror adjustment, and a switch to select the left or right power mirror. With the ignition ON (II), battery voltage is supplied to the power mirror switch through fuse 4 (in the driver's under-dash fuse/relay box). The mirror selector switch directs voltage from the directional switches to either the left or right power mirror.
Mirror Up
When the "up" edge of the mirror adjustment switch is pushed, battery voltage is supplied from one of the UP switch contacts to both mirrors. With the mirror selector switch in the LEFT or RIGHT position, ground is provided for the corresponding up/down motor through the opposite UP switch contact. Battery voltage is supplied to the mirror up/down motor, which then tilts the selected mirror up.
Mirror Down
When the "down" edge of the mirror adjustment switch is pushed, battery voltage is supplied through one of the DOWN switch contacts to both mirrors. With the mirror selector switch in the LEFT or RIGHT position, ground is provided for the corresponding up/down motor through the opposite DOWN switch contact. Battery voltage is supplied to the mirror up/down motor, which then tilts the selected mirror down.
Mirror Left
When the mirror selector switch is in the LEFT or RIGHT position, and the "left" edge of the mirror adjustment switch is pushed, battery voltage is supplied to both corresponding mirror motors through one of the LEFT switch contacts. Ground is provided for the corresponding left/right motor through the opposite LEFT switch contact. Battery voltage is supplied to the mirror left/right motor, which then tilts the selected mirror left.
Mirror Right
When the mirror selector switch is in the LEFT or RIGHT position, and the "right" edge of the mirror adjustment switch is pushed, battery voltage is supplied to both corresponding mirror motors through one of the RIGHT switch contacts. Ground is provided to the corresponding left/right motor through the opposite RIGHT switch contact. Battery voltage is supplied to the mirror left/right motor, which then tilts the selected mirror right.
Mirror Defoggers (Canada)
With the ignition switch in ON (II), battery voltage is supplied to the mirror defogger switch through fuse 4 (in the driver's under-dash fuse/relay box). When the mirror defogger switch is in ON, battery voltage is supplied to both mirror defoggers, causing them to heat up and remove any fog from the mirrors. The opposite side of each defogger grid is connected to ground.