Map Light: Service and Repair
Rear Individual Map Light Input Test/Replacement
1. Carefully pry off the lens (A) with a small screwdriver.
2. Remove the two mounting bolts.
3. Disconnect the 10P connector (B) from the rear individual map light (C).
4. Inspect the connector and socket terminals to be sure they are all making good contact.
- If the terminals are bent, loose, or corroded, repair them as necessary, and recheck the system.
- If the terminals look OK, go to step 5.
5. With the connector still disconnected, do the following input tests:
- If any test indicates a problem, find and correct the cause, then recheck the system.
- If all the input tests prove OK, go to step 6.
6. Reconnect the connector to the rear individual map light, and do the following input tests:
- If any test indicates a problem, find and correct the cause, then recheck the system.
- If all the input tests prove OK, the rear individual map light must be faulty; replace it.