Distributor: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect primary lead from ignition coil and radio condenser.
2. Disconnect spark plug and ignition coil leads from distributor cap. Mark position of leads to aid installation.
3. Disconnect vacuum hoses from distributor advance unit. Mark position of hoses to aid installation.
4. Remove distributor to cylinder head hold-down bolt(s), then the distributor.
5. Install new O-ring and lubricate with engine oil.
6. Install distributor, ensuring lugs on distributor end mesh with grooves in camshaft end.
7. Loosely install hold-down bolt(s), then reconnect primary, spark plug and ignition coil leads and vacuum hoses.
8. Start engine, then adjust ignition timing as outlined previously in the appropriate ``Tune Up'' section.
9. Retighten hold-down bolt(s).
1. Remove rotor retaining screw, if applicable, then pull rotor from distributor shaft.
2. Remove attaching screws, then remove bearing holder from distributor shaft using suitable tool.
3. Using two screwdrivers, carefully pry reluctor from distributor shaft.
4. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. When installing reluctor, ensure that retaining pin gap faces away from distributor shaft, and that manufacturing code letter or number on reluctor faces upward.
b. After installation of reluctor, ensure that both air gaps between reluctor and stator are an equal distance apart. If not, loosen stator retaining screws and position stator until air gaps are as described above. On some models, it may be necessary to remove advance diaphragm retaining screws to allow movement of stator assembly.