Alarm/Security System
A/T Gear Position Switch 85
Below console, at base of gear selector
Clutch interlock Switch 64
On clutch pedal support
Driver's Door Latch Assembly
In rear of driver's door
Fan Control Unit 95
Underside of right front footrest
Headlight Relay 33
In under-hood fuse/relay box
Hood Switch 3
At engine compartment lid latch assembly
Horn Relay 28
In under-hood relay box A
Ignition Key Switch
Part of ignition switch, on steering column
Ignition Switch 72
Right side of steering column
Left Horn 24
On battery tray
Passenger's Door Latch Assembly
In rear of passenger's door
Right Horn 159
Behind right side of front bumper
Security Control Unit 74
Behind dash, right of steering column
Security Indicator 101
Top of driver's door
Starter Cut Relay 58
On under-dash fuse/relay box
Starter Motor
Lower left side of engine
Stereo Radio/Cassette Player
Front of console
Taillight Relay 32
In under-hood fuse/relay box
Trunk Latch Assembly 143
Underside of trunk lid
Under-dash Fuse/Relay Box 53
Behind left kick panel
Under-hood Fuse/Relay Box 38
Left side of engine compartment
Under-hood Relay Box A 24
Behind left side of radiator
Under-hood Relay Box B 24
Behind left side of radiator
C124 (1-BLK) 46
On starter solenoid
C126 (2-GRY) 31
Left side of engine compartment
C159 (4-GRY) 2
Behind right headlight
C166 (2-GRY) 3
At engine compartment lid latch assembly
C169 (4-GRY) 30
Behind left headlight
C185 (20-BRN) 54
Behind left kick panel
C186 (16-BRN) 54
Behind left kick panel
C188 (7-BRN) 54
Behind left kick panel
C200 (20-YEL) Junction Connector 27
In under-hood relay box B
C204 (5-BRN) 35
On underside of under-hood fuse/relay box
C206 (1-BLK) 34
On underside of under-hood fuse/relay box
C208 (9-GRY) 35
On underside of under-hood fuse/relay box
C253 (16-GRY) 62
Behind dash, left of steering column, on bracket
C257 (20-GRN) 63
Behind left kick panel
C278 (20-GRY) 127
Behind left side of rear seat
C301 (20-GRY) 109
In lower front of driver's door
C302 (18-GRN) 109
In lower front of driver's door
C303 (10-GRY) 109
In lower front of driver's door
C315 (22-BLU) 57
On under-dash fuse/relay box
C317 (14-BLU) 55
On under-dash fuse/relay box
C318 (6-BLU) 55
On under-dash fuse/relay box
C319 (10-BLU) 57
On under-dash fuse/relay box
C320 (2-BLU) 57
On under-dash fuse/relay box
C326 (20-ORN) Junction Connector
Behind upper left side of dash, taped to harness
C330 (2-GRY) 62
Under left side of dash
C331 (20-BLK) Junction Connector 62
Behind left side of dash, taped to harness
C333 (20-GRY) 70
Behind dash, left of steering column, on bracket
C334 (12-GRY) 70
Behind dash, left of steering column, on bracket
C335 (8-GRY) 70
Behind dash, left of steering column, on bracket
C341 (22-GRY) 74
On security control unit
C342 (16-GRY) 74
On security control unit
C379 (20-BRN) Junction Connector 99
Behind right kick panel
C383 (16-GRY) 111
In lower front of passenger's door
C384 (8-GRY) 111
In lower front of passenger's door
C453 (2-GRY) 143
Underside of trunk lid
C454 (6-GRY) 143
Underside of trunk lid
C456 (8-GRY) 145
On left taillight assembly
C527 (16-GRY) 83
On rear of stereo radio/cassette player
C531 (14-GRY) 82
Below front of console
C585 (3-GRY) 105
Rear of driver's door
C586 (8-GRY) 105
Rear of driver's door
C588 (2-BLU) 103
In driver's door
C610 (8-GRY) 110
Top of passenger's door
C611 (3-GRY) 110
Top of passenger's door
C901 (6-BRN) 57
On under-dash fuse/relay box
G152 30
Left side of engine compartment
G153 21
Right side of engine compartment
G301 53
Behind left kick panel
G303 97
Behind right kick panel
G304 139
Bottom of passenger's door pillar, behind trim
G451 145
Left center rear of trunk
G502 82
Below front of console