Windows: Description and Operation
System DescriptionThe operation of the power windows is controlled by the main switch in the driver's power window switch. When the main switch is in OFF, only the driver's power window can be opened or closed. With the main switch in ON, all windows can be opened or closed by either the master power window switch or each window's respective switch. The master switch also has an automatic down mode, which is controlled by the driver's switch.
The power windows are driven by reversible motors. Each motor is protected by a built-in circuit breaker. If the window switch is held on too long (with the window obstructed. or after the window is fully up or down), the circuit breaker opens the circuit. The circuit breaker resets automatically as it cools.
Driver's Window
With the ignition switch in ON (II), and for 10 minutes after it is switched to LOCK (0), the integrated control unit provides voltage to the coil of the power window relay. The contacts of the power window relay close and voltage is applied to the driver's switch. When you move the driver's switch to UP, voltage is applied to the driver's power window motor. The motor's ground path is back through the power window master switch to G401. The driver's window motor drives the window up. When you move the driver's switch to DOWN, voltage is applied in the opposite direction, and the motor drives the window down.
Automatic Down (Driver's Window)
With the ignition switch in ON (II) or START (III), voltage is applied to the coil of the power window relay through the integrated control unit. The contacts of the relay close and voltage is applied to the driver's window switch. When you push the driver's switch to the AUTO DOWN position, voltage is applied through the driver's switch to the driver's window motor. The control unit receives pulses at the pulsar input while the motor is running. When the window is fully down, the motor stops and pulses are no longer generated by the pulsar. This is sensed by the control unit at the pulsar input and voltage is no longer applied to the driver's window motor.
Passenger Windows
With the ignition switch in ON (II), and for 10 minutes after it is switched to LOCK (0), voltage is applied to the coil of the power window relay by the integrated control unit. The contacts of the power window relay close and voltage is applied to the individual window switches and the master switch. With the main switch closed, the passenger windows can be operated from the individual window switches or from the master power window switch.
When you move any passenger's window switch in the master panel to UP, voltage is applied to that passenger's window motor. The motor is grounded through the contacts in the door window switch and the master switch. The window moves up as long as you hold the switch in the UP position. If you move the switch to DOWN, voltage is applied in the opposite direction and the window moves down as long as you hold the switch in the DOWN position.
When you move the window switch in any passenger door to UP, voltage is applied through the switch contacts to that door's power window motor. The motor is grounded through the contacts in the door window switch and the master switch. The window moves up as long as you hold the switch in the UP position. If you move the switch to DOWN, voltage is applied in the opposite direction, and the window moves down as long as you hold the switch DOWN.