Cruise Control Servo: Testing and Inspection
1. Disconnect actuator cable from actuator rod and 4 pin connector.2. Connect battery positive to D terminal and negative to A, B, and C terminals of 4 pin connector.
3. Connect vacuum pump to check valve and apply vacuum to actuator.
4. The actuator rod should pull in completely. If rod pulls in part way or not at all, check for a leak in vacuum line or defective solenoid.
5. With voltage and vacuum still applied, pull actuator rod by hand. If rod comes out, actuator is defective.
6. Disconnect battery negative from C terminal; rod should return. If rod does not return and vent hose and filter are free, solenoid is defective.
7. Repeat steps 2 through 6, disconnecting battery negative from A terminal. Actuator rod should return; If it does not, and the vent hose and filter are free, solenoid valve assembly is defective.
8. When solenoid valve assembly is replaced, use new O-rings at each solenoid.