Inspection and Repair
INSPECTION1. Lower the window.
2. Remove the door panel. (Refer to section 20 of the service manual.)
3. Examine the door glass stabilizers.
^ If the friction material on the stabilizers is not black, ignore this service bulletin. Perform service bulletin 97-023, Window Noise During Operation, instead.
^ If the friction material is black, continue to REPAIR PROCEDURE.
1. Remove the plastic rain protector by cutting the adhesive with a razor blade.
2. Remove the two clips holding the lower part of the weatherstrip to the center pillar. Pull back the weatherstrip and remove the six screws mounting the weatherstrip retainer to the center pillar.
3. Detach the two clips mounting the end of the weatherstrip to the bottom of the front pillar.
4. Detach the four clips mounting the end of the weatherstrip to the bottom of the rear pillar. Two of these clips are hidden.
5. Remove the weatherstrip.
6. Loosen the screw shown below several turns. Release the grommet on the inside by pushing on the screw.
7. Remove the remaining upper weatherstrip retainer mounting screws. Release the clip on the rear edge. Remove the retainer.
8. Remove the seal along the upper edge of the front door opening.
9. Install glass alignment tools 1, 2, and 3 along the front door opening. Place tools 1 and 2 right in front of the grommets.
10. Connect the power window switch. Raise the front window.
11. Inspect the glass height and position at tool 1. The clearance between the edge of the glass and the tool should be more than 0.5 mm but less than 2.5 mm.
^ If the clearance is correct, go to step 13.
^ If the clearance is incorrect, continue to step 12.
12. Lower the window slightly. Mark the position of the glass mounting bolts on the regulator. Loosen the glass mounting bolts, adjust the glass, then tighten the bolts. Raise the window, and recheck the distance at tool 1.
If you cannot adjust the glass to the proper height with the glass mounting bolts, loosen and adjust the glass stopper plates. When finished, make sure both stopper plates contact the glass at the same time.
13. Inspect the glass fore/aft position at tool 3. The clearance between the rear edge of the glass and the tool should be more than 0.5 mm but less than 2.5 mm.
^ If the clearance is correct, go to step 15.
^ If the clearance is incorrect, continue to step 14.
14. Lower the window slightly. Loosen the glass mounting bolts and adjust the glass. This will affect the adjustment made in step 12. Adjust the height and the fore/aft position to get the proper clearances at both tools. Adjust the stopper plates if necessary.
15. Raise the window and inspect the glass height at tool 2. The clearance between the top of the glass and the tool should be more than 0.5 mm and less than 2.5 mm. This clearance should be correct if the previous adjustments were done properly. If the clearance is not correct, inspect your previous adjustments.
16. Remove tool 1.
17. Raise the window fully and carefully close the door. Inspect the clearance between the inside of the glass and tools 2 and 3. The clearance at both tools should be more than 0.5 mm and less than 2.5 mm.
^ If the clearance is correct, go to step 19.
^ If the clearance is incorrect, continue to step 18.
18. Loosen the locknuts at the bottom of the regulator and the bottom of the glass guide. Adjust the glass camber by turning both adjusters equally: clockwise to move the top of the glass out, or counterclockwise to move it in. Tighten both locknuts, and recheck the clearance at tools 2 and 3.
19. Make sure all the bolts and locknuts are tight. Install tool 1, then reinspect the window height and fore/aft adjustments at tools 1, 2, and 3.
20. Remove tool 1,then reinspect the window camber adjustment at tools 2 and 3.
21. Adjust the camber of the sash to match the glass camber. Turn the adjusting bolt clockwise to move the top of the sash out, or counterclockwise to move it in.
22. Check the vertical position of the sash. The top edge should be even with the top edge of the glass. If it is not, loosen the two mounting bolts and the locknut, and reposition the sash. Tighten the mounting bolts and the locknut.
23. Reinstall the plastic rain protector.
24. Reinstall the door panel.
25. Remove the glass alignment tools.
26. Reinstall the interior trim.
27. Reinstall the upper weatherstrip retainer (12 screws and one clip).
28. Reinstall the weatherstrip.
29. Reinstall the center pillar weatherstrip retainer (six screws).
30. Make sure all the weatherstrip clips are reinstalled correctly: two in the front, two on the center pillar, and four in the back. Make sure the weatherstrip is properly seated in the retainers all the way around both window openings.
31. Test drive the vehicle. Make sure the wind noise has been eliminated and that all electrical features (windows, mirrors, etc.) work.