Engine: Service and Repair
1. On models equipped with radio coded theft protection system, refer to Vehicle Damage Warnings for system disarming and arming procedures. On models equipped with airbag system, refer to Technician Safety Information for system disarming and arming procedures.2. Disconnect battery ground cable, then battery positive cable.
3. Remove engine cover, then air intake duct and air cleaner housing.
4. Remove throttle cover, the throttle and cruise control cables.
5. Remove battery, then battery base.
6. Disconnect engine wire harness from left side if engine compartment.
7. Remove engine ground cables vacuum hoses and wire harness clamps.
8. Remove battery cables from underhood fuse/relay box and ABS fuse/relay box.
9. Raise power steering fluid reservoir, then remove vacuum hoses, vacuum pipe and vacuum. Do not disconnect fluid lines.
10. Disconnect ignition control module (ICM).
11. Disconnect engine wire harness on right side of engine compartment.
12. Disconnect brake booster vacuum hose.
13. Remove heater control valve.
14. Relieve fuel pressure as outlined under Technician Safety Information.
15. Remove fuel feed and return hoses, then vacuum hoses.
16. Remove transmission sub-harness connector and remove wire harness clamp.
17. Loosen alternator mounting bolt, lock bolt and adjusting rod, then remove belt.
18. Remove power steering pump adjusting bolt, locknut and mounting bolt, then remove pump. Do not disconnect fluid lines.
Fig. 22 Secondary HO2S Connector:
19. Pull carpet back to expose secondary heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) then disconnect sensor Fig.22.
20. Raise vehicle on suitable hoist.
21. Remove front tires/wheels and splash shields.
22. Drain engine coolant, then transmission fluid.
23. Drain differential fluid, then engine oil.
24. Remove damper fork
25. Disconnect suspension lower arm ball joints using ball joint remover tool No. 07MAC-SL00100, or equivalent.
26. Remove right and left driveshafts.
27. Disconnect A/C compressor clutch connector, then remove A/C compressor. Remove right and left driveshafts.
28. Remove VSS power steering speed sensor. Do not disconnect fluid lines.
29. Remove exhaust pipe heat shields, then pipe.
Fig. 23 HO2S Sire Harness:
30. Remove HO2S wire harness cover and grommet, then three way catalytic (TWC) connector, Fig. 23.
31. Remove ATF cooler hoses.
32. Remove shift cable cover mounting bolts, then transmission gear position switch harness clamp and shift control solenoid/linear solenoid harness connector from shift cable cover.
33. Remove shift cable cover from transmission housing.
34. Remove shift cable with cable holder from shift cable holder base.
35. Remove control lever from control shaft.
36. Lower vehicle on hoist.
37. Remove upper and lower radiator hoses, then radiator as outlined under Radiator.
38. Remove heater hoses.
Fig. 24 Engine Lift Attachments:
39. Attach suitable engine hoist to engine Fig. 24.
40. Remove center bracket and center mount.
41. Separate left and right engine mount brackets.
42. Raise vehicle on suitable hoist.
Fig. 25 Transmission Beam:
43. Remove transmission beam from body, then loosen the three bolts on transmission bracket Fig. 25.
Fig. 26 Transmission Mid Mount:
44. Remove stop holder, mid mount stops and mid mounts Fig. 26.
45. Lower vehicle on hoist.
46. Ensure that engine is free of vacuum, fuel, coolant hoses and electrical wiring.
Fig. 27 Engine Mounts:
47. Remove left and right engine brackets, Fig. 27.
48. Remove engine from vehicle.
49. Reverse procedure to install noting the following:
a. Ensure all engine and transaxle mounts are tightened to specification
b. Be sure to refill engine oil, transmission fluid and differential fluid.
c. Refill engine coolant and bleed air from cooling system.
d. Check fuel system for leaks.
50. On models equipped with radio coded theft protection system, refer to Vehicle Damage Warnings for system disarming and arming procedures. On models equipped with airbag system, refer to Technician Safety Information for system disarming and arming procedures.