Timing Belt: Service and Repair
Timing Components:
- Replace the timing belt at 105,000 miles (168,000 km) according to the maintenance schedule (normal conditions/severe conditions).
- If the vehicle is regularly driven in one or more of the following conditions, replace the timing belt at 60,000 miles (U.S.A.) 100,000 km (Canada).
- In very high temperatures (over 110°F, 43°C)
- In very low temperatures (under -20°F, -29°C)
- Turn the crankshaft pulley so the No. 1 piston is at Top Dead Center (TDC) before removing the belt.
- Inspect the water pump before installing the timing belt.
1. Make sure you have the anti-theft code for the radio, then write down the frequencies for the radio's preset buttons.
2. Disconnect the negative terminal from the battery.
3. Remove the center bracket.
- Support the engine with a jack before removing the center bracket is removed.
- Make sure to place a cushion between the oil pan and the jack.
- Refer to Engine Installation when installing the center bracket.
4. Loosen the mounting bolt, lock bolt and adjusting rod, then remove the alternator belt.
5. Loosen the idler pulley center nut and adjusting bolt, then remove the Air Conditioning (A/C) compressor belt.
6. Loosen the mounting bolt, locknut and adjusting bolt, then remove the Power Steering (P/S) pump belt.
7. Remove the TCS upper and lower brackets.
8. Disconnect the TCS throttle sensor connector and TCS throttle actuator connector, then remove the TCS control valve assembly.
- Do not disconnect the breather pipe bypass hose.
9. Remove the oil pressure switch connector, engine ground cable and engine wire harness cover.
10. Remove the idler pulley bracket, dipstick and pipe.
11. Remove the crankshaft pulley.
12. Remove the upper and lower covers.
NOTE: Do not use the upper and lower covers to store removed items.
13. Loosen the adjusting bolt 180°. Push the tensioner to remove tension from the timing belt, then retighten the adjusting bolt.
14. Remove the timing belt.
Install the timing belt in the reverse order of removal; Only key points are described here.
CAUTION: Do not rotate the crankshaft pulley or camshaft pulleys with the timing belt removed. The pistons may hit the valves and cause damage.
1. Remove the spark plugs.
2. Set the timing belt drive pulley so that the No. 1 piston is at Top Dead Center (TDC). Align the TDC mark on the tooth of the timing belt drive pulley with the pointer on the oil pump.
3. Set the camshaft pulleys so that the No. 1 piston is at TDC. Align the TDC marks on the camshaft pulleys to the pointers on the back covers.
4. Install the timing belt in the sequence shown.
(1) Timing belt drive pulley (crankshaft) ->(2) Adjusting pulley ->(3) Left camshaft pulley ->(4) Water pump pulley ->(5) Right camshaft pulley.
- For easier installation, advance the right camshaft pulley by about a half tooth from the TDC position.
- Make sure the timing belt drive pulley and camshaft pulleys are at TDC.
5. Loosen and retighten the adjusting bolt to tension the timing belt.
6. Install the upper and lower covers.
NOTE: Clean the upper and lower covers before installation.
7. Install the crankshaft pulley, then tighten the pulley bolt.
8. Rotate the crankshaft pulley about five or six turns clockwise so that the timing belt positions on the pulleys.
9. Adjust the timing belt tension.
10. Check that the crankshaft pulley and camshaft pulleys are at TDC.
11. If either camshaft pulley is not positioned at TDC, remove the timing belt and adjust the positioning, then reinstall the timing belt.
12. After installation, adjust the tension of each belt.
- See alternator belt tension adjustment.
- See A/C compressor belt tension adjustment.
- See P/S pump belt tension adjustment.
13. Enter the anti-theft code for the radio, then enter the customer's radio station presets.