Steering Column: Service and Repair
NOTE: SRS components are located in this area. Review the SRS component locations, precautions, and procedures before performing repairs or service.REMOVAL
1. Remove the driver's airbag assembly and steering wheel.
2. Remove the lower cover and driver's knee bolster.
3. Remove the column covers.
4. Remove the SRS wire harness connector from the connector holder.
5. Disconnect the cable reel connector and SRS main wire harness connector.
6. Disconnect the cruise control switch connector from the cable reel, and remove the cable reel from the combination switch.
7. Remove the turn signal canceling sleeve and spring.
8. Remove the combination switch from the steering column by disconnecting the connectors.
9. Remove the steering upper joint bolt from the engine compartment, then disconnect the steering joint by moving the joint toward the column.
10. Remove the steering joint cover.
11. Disconnect the ignition switch connectors.
12. Remove the steering column by removing the mounting nuts and bolts.
- Check the steering column ball bearing and the steering joint bearings for play and proper movement. If there is noise or if there is excessive play, replace the steering column as an assembly.
- Check the retaining collar for damage. If it is damaged, replace the retaining collar.
- Check the absorbing plates, absorbing plate guides and sliding capsules for distortion and breakage.
- Replace the steering column as an assembly if they are distorted or broken.
1. Move the tilt lever from the loose position to lock position 3 to 5 times; then measure the tilt lever preload 10 mm (0.4 inch) from the end of the tilt lever. Preload: 70 - 90 N (15 - 20 lbs.).
2. If the measurement is out of the specification, adjust the preload using the following procedures.
a. Loosen the tilt lever, and set the steering column in the neutral position.
b. Remove the 6 mm lock bolt and remove the stop.
c. Adjust the preload by turning the tilt lock bolt left or right.
d. Pull up the tilt lever to the uppermost position and install the stop. Check the preload again. If the measurement is still out of specification, repeat the above procedures (a) through (c) to adjust.
CAUTION: Be careful not to loosen the tilt lever when installing the stop or tightening the 6 mm lock bolt.
1. Coat the interior of the steering joint grommet with grease, then guide the steering shaft through the engine compartment bulkhead.
2. Insert the upper end of the steering joint onto the steering shaft by aligning the serrations.
3. Align the bolt hole in the steering joint with the slot in the steering shaft. Then loosely install the joint upper bolt.
NOTE: Before tightening the joint upper bolt, pull on the steering joint to make sure that the steering joint is fully seated.
4. Install the steering column with the column mounting nuts and column holder. Then retighten the joint upper bolt.
NOTE: Take care not to let the retaining collar fall out of position during installation.
5. Install the steering joint cover with the clamps and clips.
6. Install the combination switch and connect the connectors. Be sure the wires are not caught or pinched by any parts when installing the combination switch.
7. Carefully install the wire harness with the harness bands and clamps.
8. Install the spring and turn signal canceling sleeve onto the combination switch.
9. Install the cable reel, and connect the cruise control switch connector.
10. Connect the cable reel connector and SRS main wire harness connector.
11. Install the SRS wire harness connector onto the connector holder.
12. Install the column covers.
13. Install the driver's knee bolster and lower cover.
14. Install the steering wheel.