Steering Column: Service and Repair
Removal/InstallationSRS components are located in this area. Review the SRS component locations, precautions, and procedures before performing repairs or service.
NOTE: Before removing the steering column, remove the driver's airbag assembly and cable reel.
- On vehicles with VSA ('00 - 01 models only), do not remove the steering angle sensor from the combination switch.
- When removing and installing the combination switch, keep grease, oil, dirt, and foreign objects out of the steering angle sensor.
1. Remove the steering wheel.
2. Remove the driver's side dashboard lower cover and knee bolster.
3. Remove the column covers.
4. Remove the combination switch assembly from the steering column shaft by disconnecting the connectors and removing the screws.
5. Disconnect the ignition switch connectors, the tilttend-retract motor connectors and the sensor con rectors
6. Remove the steering joint cover.
7. Disconnect the steering joint, and remove it from the column shaft.
8. Remove the steering column by removing the attaching nuts and bolt.
9. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure.
CAUTION: Alternately tighten the upper attaching nuts and lower attaching bolts in several steps. Tighten the upper attaching nuts to the specified torque to last.
NOTE: Make sure the steering joint is connected as follows:
a. Insert the upper end of the steering joint onto the steering shaft (line up the bolt hole with the flat on the shaft), and loosely install the upper joint bolt.
b. Slip the lower end of the steering joint onto the pinion shaft (line up the bolt hole with the groove around the shaft), and loosely install the lower joint bolt. Be sure that the lower joint bolt is securely in the groove in the pinion shaft.
c. Pull on the steering joint to make sure that the steering joint is fully seated. Then tighten the joint bolts.
- Be sure the wires are not caught or pinched by any parts when installing the column.
- Make sure the wire harness is routed and fastened properly.
- Make sure the connectors are properly connected.
- '00 - 01 Models: After installing the steering column, perform the steering angle sensor neutral position memorizing.
- For tilt-extend-retract motors and sensors inspection, refer to the Driving Position Memory System (DPMS).
- Check the steering column ball bearing and the steering joint bearings for play and proper movement. If there is noisy or if there is excessive play, replace the steering column as an assembly.
- Check the retaining collars for damage. If they are damaged, replace the retaining collars.
- Check the absorbing plates, absorbing plate guides and sliding capsules for distortion and breakage.
- Replace the steering column as an assembly if they are distorted or broken.