Starting System: Testing and Inspection
NOTE: Before starting the following checks, disconnect the wire from terminal M, and make a connection as described below using as heavy a wire as possible (preferably equivalent to the wire used for the car).
Pull-in Coil Test:
Performance Test:
Connect the battery as shown. If the starter pinion pops out, it is working properly.
CAUTION: Do not leave the battery connected for more than 10 seconds.
Hold-in Coil Test:
Disconnect the battery from the M terminal. If the pinion does not retract, the hold-in coil is working properly.
CAUTION: Do not leave the battery connected for more than 10 seconds.
Retracting Test:
Disconnect the battery also from the body. If the pinion retracts immediately, it is working properly.
CAUTION: Do not leave the battery connected for more than 10 seconds.
Starter No-load Test:
1. Clamp the starter firmly in a vise.
Performance Test:
2. Connect the starter to the battery as shown in the diagram below, and confirm that the motor starts and keeps rotating.
3. If the electric current and motor speed meet the specifications when the battery voltage is at 11 V, the starter is working properly.