Charging System: Testing and Inspection
If the charging system light is ON, or the battery is dead or low, test the following items in the order listed:1. Battery (see Battery test)
2. Charging System Light
3. Alternator/Regulator
Charging System Light Test (Part 1 Of 2):
Charging System Light Test (Part 2 Of 2):
Charging System Light Test
Alternator/Regulator Test:
Alternator/Regulator Test
Use the SUN VAT-40 (or equivalent) tester.
Alternator/Regulator Test:
1. Attach the positive tester cable and the voltmeter positive lead to the jump start terminal in the engine compartment fuse/relay box.
Alternator/Regulator Test:
2. Attach the negative tester cable and the voltmeter negative lead to the top of the intake manifold.
Alternator/Regulator Test:
3. Attach the inductive pick-up to the B terminal wire of the alternator with its arrow pointing away from the terminal.
NOTE: The arrow must point away from the B terminal.
Alternator/Regulator Test (Part 1 Of 2):
Alternator/Regulator Test (Part 2 Of 2):
NOTE: Be sure the battery is sufficiently charged (see Battery Test).