Cruise Control Switch: Service and Repair
SRS components are located in this area. Review the SRS component locations, precautions, and procedures in the SRS section before performing repairs or service.1. Remove the dashboard lower cover, and disconnect the connectors.
Main Switch Replacement:
2. Remove the dashboard lower pad.
Main Switch Replacement:
3. Remove the tilt cover.
4. Remove the steering column covers.
Main Switch Replacement:
NOTE: Be careful not to damage the steering column covers.
5. Disconnect the 20P, 4P and 5P connectors from the floor wire harness.
CAUTION: Be careful not to damage the SRS wire harness.
Main Switch Replacement:
6. Remove the six screws, then remove the windshield wiper-cruise control switch assembly.
Main Switch Replacement:
7. If necessary, replace the cruise control switch bulbs.