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Campaign - Automatic Transmission Warranty Extension


February 5, 2008

Applies To:

Warranty Extension:
3.2 TL and 3.2 CL Automatic Transmission (Supersedes 02-027, dated January 7, 2007, to update the information marked by asterisks)


In certain vehicles, a higher than normal number of A/Ts have defects in material or workmanship that could cause premature wear or failure. To ensure that clients have adequate warranty coverage, American Honda is increasing the warranty on the transmission and the torque converter to 93 months (7 years and 9 months) or 109,000 miles, whichever occurs first.

Because of a different class action settlement unrelated to the A/T, the warranty extension coverage for A/Ts and torque converters on 2002-03 3.2CLs and 3.2TLs purchased or leased between April 13, 2002, and November 7, 2006, is now 93 months (7 years and 9 months) or 114,450 miles, whichever occurs first. For more information, refer to Service Bulletin 06-050, Warranty Extension: Vehicle Warranty Mileage.*



The court sent a notification to all potentially affected clients in August/September 2006. The mailed notification was sent to original registered purchasers, and it informed them of the terms of the proposed settlement. A notice of the approved settlement also appeared in national newspapers and news websites.


If diagnosis indicates a problem with the torque converter or an internal A/T problem, replace the affected unit and the PCM.

When you order a remanufactured A/T, you will also get an updated PCM (shipped separately) and you may get an updated fuel pressure regulator. Make sure you install these items as part of A/T replacement.


Failed Part: Use the RM part number (from
the repair order) without the RM
Example: 06200-PAX-A00

Defect Code: 5AT00

Symptom Code: L7300

Part used for repair: Use the RM part number (from
the repair order)
Example: 06200-PAX-A00RM

Skill Level: Repair Technician


Follow the DIAGNOSIS steps in Service Bulletin
90-009, Automatic Transmission In-Warranty
Exchange Program.

^ If your diagnosis indicates something other than a torque converter or an internal A/T problem, make the needed repairs. File the warranty claim using the information in S/B 90-009.

^ If your diagnosis indicates a problem with the torque converter or an internal A/T problem, follow the IN-WARRANTY EXCHANGE steps in S/B 90-009 to order a remanufactured A/T, replace the failed A/T, and return the failed A/T core. File the warranty claim using the information in this bulletin (S/B 02-027).

If you received an updated fuel pressure regulator with the remanufactured A/T and updated PCM, make sure you remove and discard the old fuel pressure regulator and replace it with the updated one. Updated fuel pressure regulators are marked with a black dot for easy identification. See S/B 01-001, Hard Start After "Hot Soak", for fuel pressure regulator and PCM replacement information.
