Intake Air System
Intake Air System DiagramThis system supplies air for engine needs. A resonator in the intake air pipe provides additional silencing as air is drawn into the system.
Intake Air Bypass Control System
When the engine is running, the intake air bypass control valve sends air to the injectors.
Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) System (J32A2 engine)
Satisfactory power performance is achieved by closing and opening the Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) control valves. High torque at low engine speed is achieved when the valves are closed, whereas high power at high engine speed is achieved when the valves are opened.
Throttle Body
The throttle body is a single-barrel side draft type. The lower portion of the throttle valve is heated by engine coolant from the cylinder head. The idle adjusting screw, which increases/decreases bypass air, is located on top of the throttle body.