A/C - Blower Motor Inoperative
06-006April 27, 2006
Applies To:
1999-03 3.2 TL - ALL 2001-03 3.2 CL - ALL
Blower Motor Does Not Work
(Supersedes 06-006, dated February 14, 2006 to update the information with the black bars and asterisks)
The blower motor does not work at all.
Poor connection at the blower motor caused by tension on the wiring harness.
Install a blower motor sub harness.
Blower Motor Subharness: P/N 04321-S0K-A00
In warranty:
The normal warranty applies.
Operation Number: 6181A4
Flat Rate Time: 0.6 hour
Failed Part: P/N 32150-50K-A04
Defect Code: 06401
Symptom Code: 01201
Template ID: 06-006A
Skill Level: Repair Technician
Out of warranty:
Any repair performed after warranty expiration may be eligible for goodwill consideration by the District Parts and Service Manager or your Zone Office. You must request consideration, and get a decision, before starting work.
1. Remove the glove box and cover:
^ 199~03 3.2 TL: See page 20-66 of the 1999-03 3.2 TL Service Manual.
^ 2001-033.2 CL: See page 20-64 of the 2001-03 3.2 CL Service Manual.
^ Online, enter keyword GLOVE, and select Glove Box Removal/Installation from the list.
*2. Disconnect the brown 7P connector (C202) from the main harness. Remove the YEL/BLK wire terminal from cavity 3 of connector C202. Cut off the terminal, and tape the remaining end of the wire to the harness.*
If necessary, refer to the terminal replacement section of the appropriate ETM for how to properly remove a terminal from a connector.
*3. Disconnect the 2P blower motor connector, cut off the connector, and tape the remaining ends of the wires to the pigtail. Then tape the pigtail to the main harness.
4. Disconnect the white 5P connector from the power transistor. Remove the BLU/RED wire terminal from cavity 4 of the power transistor connector. Cut off the terminal, and tape the remaining end of the wire to the harness.
5. Take the subharness, and insert the YEL/BLK wire terminal into cavity 3 of connector C202 and insert the BLU/RED wire terminal into cavity 4 of the power transistor connector. Tape both wires to the existing harness. Route the harness so there is no tension on the blower motor connector.*
6. Reconnect connector C202 and the power transistor connector, then connect the 2P connector on the new subharness to the blower motor.
7. Verify the blower motor operates properly at all speeds.
8. Reinstall the glove box and cover.