Pre-Troubleshooting Tests
Before troubleshooting the DTC(s) indicated by the LEDs in the position buttons of the memory switch, or before selecting a flowchart from the troubleshooting guide, make the following tests to check power and ground.NOTE:
- Be careful not to cause shorts or damage wire insulation when back-probing.
Steering Column Control Unit Connectors A, B And C - Views:
Power Seat Control Unit Connectors A, B And C - Views:
Power Mirror Control Unit Connectors A And B - Views:
- In the tests, "column control unit" stands for "steering column control unit", mirror control unit" stands for "power mirror control unit", seat control unit" stands for "power seat control unit".
- All connector views are from wire side of female terminals.
Steering Column Control Unit - Index:
Power Seat Control Unit - Index:
Power Mirror Control Unit - Index:
Inspect the connector and socket terminals to be sure they are all making good contact.
- If the terminals are bent, loose or corroded, repair them as necessary, and recheck the system.
- If the terminals look OK, make voltage and continuity checks at the connectors.