DTC 53-4x
DTC 53-4x (53-40 to 53-491 53-4A to 53-4F): Internal Failure of the SRS UnitNOTE: Before troubleshooting any of these DTCs, check the battery/system voltage. If the voltage is low, repair the charging system or replace the battery before troubleshooting the SRS. If the battery/system voltage is now OK, ask the customer if the battery ever went dead.
1. Erase the DTC memory.
2. Turn the ignition switch ON (II), and check that the SRS indicator comes on for about 6 seconds and then goes off.
Does the SRS indicator stay on, and is DTC 53-3x or 53-4x indicated?
YES - Replace the SRS unit.
NO - Intermittent failure, system is OK at this time. Go to Troubleshooting Intermittent Failures. If another DTC is indicated, go to the DTC troubleshooting index.