Oil Pump: Testing and Inspection
1. Remove the screws from the pump housing, then separate the housing and cover.
2. Check the inner-to-outer rotor radial clearance between the inner rotor (A) and outer rotor (B). If the inner-to-outer rotor clearance exceeds the service limit, replace the oil pump assembly.
3. Check the housing-to-rotor axial clearance between the rotors (A) and pump housing (B). If the housing to-rotor axial clearance exceeds the service limit, replace the oil pump assembly.
4. Check the housing-to-outer rotor radial clearance between the outer rotor (A) and pump housing (B). If the housing-to-outer rotor radial clearance exceeds the service limit, replace the oil pump assembly.
5. Inspect both rotors and pump housing for scoring or other damage. Replace the parts, if necessary.
6. Apply liquid thread lock to the pump housing screws, then install the oil pump cover.
7. Check that the oil pump turns freely.