Brakes - Brake Pedal is Low/Soft
07-041November 27, 2007
Applies To:
2005-07 RL - ALL
2004-06 TL - ALL
2004-07 TSX - ALL
Brake Pedal Is Low and Feels Soft
(Supersedes 07-041, dated July 31, 2007, to update the information marked by the black bar)
When you apply the brakes, the brake pedal travels lower and feels softer than normal.
Air from the VSA modulator-control unit has entered the brake system.
Replace the VSA modulator-control unit.
In warranty:
The normal warranty applies.
Operation Number: 413170
Flat Rate Time: 1.2 hours
Failed Part: P/N 57110-SJA-A01
Defect Code: 03214
Symptom Code: 04903
Skill Level: Repair Technician
Out of warranty:
Any repair performed after warranty expiration may be eligible for goodwill consideration by the District Parts and Service Manager or your Zone Office. You must request consideration, and get a decision, before starting work.
If the brake pedal travel is not lower than normal and the feel is not softer than normal, do not do the diagnosis or the repair.
1. Inspect the brake system, and replace any leaking, worn, or damaged parts.
2. Manually bleed the brakes. Do not use a power bleeder:
^ Refer to the Brakes section of the appropriate service manual, or
^ Online, enter keyword BLEED, and select Brake System Bleeding from the list.
3. Apply the brakes to check the height and feel of the pedal.
^ If the brake pedal height and feel is now normal, go to REPAIR PROCEDURE.
^ If the brake pedal height and feel is still low and soft, continue with normal troubleshooting procedures.
Replace the VSA modulator-control unit:
^ Refer to the Brakes section of the appropriate service manual, or
^ Online, enter keyword VSA MOD, and select VSA Modulator-Control Unit Removal and Installation from the list.