DTC 54-3x
DTC 54-3x (54-30 to 54-39, 54-3A to 54-3F): Internal Failure of the SRS UnitNOTE: Before troubleshooting any of these DTCs, check the battery/system voltage. If the voltage is low, repair the charging system or replace the battery before troubleshooting the SRS. If the battery/system voltage is now OK, ask the customer if the batter/ever went dead.
1. Erase the DTC memory.
2. Turn the ignition switch ON (II), and check that the SRS indicator comes on for about 6 seconds and then goes off.
Does the SRS indicator stay on, and is DTC 54-1x 54-2x, 54-3x, or 54-4x indicated?
YES - Replace the SRS unit.
NO - Intermittent failure, system is OK at this time. Go to Troubleshooting Intermittent Failures. If another DTC is indicated, go to the DTC troubleshooting index.