Repair Procedure - Steps 52 Through 115
51. Once the stake is drilled out and the hole thoroughly cleaned, add several drops of oil at the stake hole to lubricate the threads. Remove the cylinder end by securing the gearbox with a C-clamp and two wooden blocks, then use the 45 mm end of the lock nut wrench to remove the cylinder end.NOTE:
^ Add a couple of drops of oil at the stake hole every 1/4 turn for the first full turn to help lubricate the cylinder end threads.
^ Do not clamp the gearbox housing in a vice.*
52. Press the outer cylinder end seal and the steering rack out of the gearbox:
^ Install a bearing separator on the gearbox housing.
^ Place an appropriately sized deep socket wrench and extension on the steering rack piston.
^ Set the steering gearbox in a press so that the gearbox housing side points upward.
^ Press the end seal and rack out of the gearbox.
^ Hold the steering rack to keep it from falling once it's pressed clear.
^ Be careful not to damage the inside of the cylinder when pressing out the cylinder end seals.
53. Remove the inner cylinder end seal from the steering rack:
^ Install the cylinder end seal remover on a 24-inch-long 3/8 inch drive extension, and insert it into the steering gearbox.
^ Press the inner cylinder end seal out of the gearbox.
^ Keep the tool straight to avoid damaging the cylinder wall.
^ Use a press to remove the seal. Do not use a hammer, as you could break the seal and pieces could remain in the gearbox.
54. Replace the steering rack piston seal ring:
^ Pry the piston seal ring and 0-ring off the steering rack piston. Make sure you do not damage the ring groove or edges when removing the seal ring.
^ Coat the new 0-ring and the new piston seal ring with power steering fluid when you place them on the piston seal ring guide to help them slide easier.
^ Install the 0-ring first, then slide the piston seal ring off the sizing tool and into the piston groove on top of the 0-ring.
^ Coat the inside of the piston seal ring sizing tool with power steering fluid, then carefully slide the tool onto the steering rack piston.
^ Slide the piston seal ring sizing tool back and forth several times to make the piston seal ring fit snugly in groove.
55. Replace the inner end seal:
^ Coat the sliding surface of the cylinder end seal slider and the new cylinder end seal with power steering fluid.
^ Place the seal on the slider with the grooved side facing away from the slider.
^ Coat the steering rack piston with power steering fluid.
^ Slide the inner end seal and slider onto the steering rack guide, making sure the grooved part of the seal faces the piston.
^ Separate the cylinder end seal from the slider, and remove the slider from the rack guide.
^ Slide the new backup ring onto the steering guide, and place it and the inner cylinder end seal against the piston.
56. Clean and remove any burrs on the gearbox housing and the cylinder end created by drilling out the stake.
57. Press the steering rack into the gearbox housing:
^ Apply multipurpose grease to the steering rack teeth, then insert the steering guide into the gearbox housing. Make sure not to damage the inside of the gearbox housing.
^ Install the cylinder end seal into the bottom of the steering gearbox using a press. Do not use excessive force or you could damage the seal.
58. Once the seal is installed, center the steering rack.
59. Replace the outer end seal:
^ Coat the sliding surface of the cylinder end seal slider and the new cylinder end seal with power steering fluid.
^ Place the seal on the slider with the grooved side facing away from the slider.
^ Slide the end seal and slider onto the steering guide. Make sure you do not damage the seal as you push the seal past the gearbox housing threads.
^ Once the seal is close to the gearbox housing opening, separate the seal from the slider, remove the slider from the rack guide, and push in the seal with your fingers.
60. Re-install the cylinder end:
^ Secure the gearbox housing with a C-clamp and wooden blocks. Do not clamp the cylinder portion of the housing.
^ Coat the threads of the gearbox cylinder end with power steering fluid, then screw on the cylinder end and torque it to 69 N.m (51 lb-ft). Make sure you keep the torque wrench perpendicular to the center line of the lock nut wrench to apply the correct torque.
^ Make sure you do not damage the steering rack as any nicks or scrapes could damage the seals.
61. Stake the gearbox housing on the opposite side of the drilled-out stake hole.
62. Install the valve body:
^ Coat the new 0-ring with grease, and carefully place it on the valve housing.
^ Apply grease to the needle bearing in the gearbox housing, then install the valve body unit by engaging the gears.
^ Torque the flange bolts to 20 N.m (2.0 kg-m, 14 lb-ft).
63. Clean the cylinder line joints. Make sure there is no foreign material in them. Install the cylinder lines in the position you marked in step 47 by tightening the flare nuts by hand first, then torque them to the specified torque.
64. Apply grease to the sliding surface and circumference of the steering rack guide, and install it into the gearbox housing. Wipe off any grease from the threaded section of the housing.
65. Install the spring, the rack guide screw, and the locknut.
66. Adjust the rack guide screw.
^ Make sure the steering rack is centered.
^ Remove the old sealant from the rack guide screw, then apply new sealant (Hondabond) to the middle of the threads.
If more than 5 minutes have passed after applying the sealant, remove the old sealant and residue, and reapply new sealant.
^ Torque the rack guide screw to 25 N.m (18 lb-ft), then loosen it.
^ Retorque the rack guide screw to 3.9 N.m (4 lb-ft), then back it off 15 +/- 5 degrees.
^ Hold the rack guide screw stationary with a wrench, and tighten the locknut by hand until it's fully seated.
^ Install the locknut wrench on the locknut, and hold the rack guide stationary with a wrench. Tighten the locknut an additional 30 degrees with the locknut wrench.
^ Make sure the steering rack slides smoothly.
67. Reinstall the tie rod ends:
^ Install a new rubber stop and a new lock washer.
^ Align the lock washer tabs with the slots on the gearbox housing while holding the lock washer in place.
^ Hold the flat surface sections of the steering rack with a narrow 22 mm end wrench, and torque the rack end with the special service tool to 88 N.m (65 lb-ft).
^ Repeat for the other side.
^ Make sure you don't damage the steering rack surface with the wrench.
^ To make sure you apply the proper torque, keep the torque wrench at a 90 degree angle to the lock nut wrench.
68. Bend the lock washer back against the flat spots on the rack end joint housing.
69. Apply multi-purpose grease around the rack e joint housing.
70. Apply a light coat of silicone grease to the boo grooves on the rack ends.
71. Clean off any grease or contamination from the boot installation grooves around the gearbox housing. Install the boots on the rack ends with tie-rod clips, and fit the boot end in the installation grooves in the housing properly.
72. After installing the boots, wipe the grease off the threaded part of the rack end.
73. Install new boot bands by aligning the tabs with the holes of the band.
74. Close the ear part of the band using pincers.
75. Slide the rack right and left to make sure the boots are not twisted or deformed.
76. Center the steering rack within its stroke.
77. Before installing the steering gearbox, make sure that there is no power steering fluid on the mating surface of the gearbox or the front suspension subframe. To prevent the gearbox mounting bolts from loosening after installation, remove any power steering fluid from the mount cushions and bolt holes.
78. Wash both sides of the mount cushion mating surfaces with a mild soap and water solution.
79. To install the steering rack, pass the cylinder of the steering gearbox through the wheelwell opening on the driver's side.
80. Carefully move the steering gearbox toward the passenger's side until the pinion shaft clears the wheelwell opening on the body.
81. Rotate the steering gearbox so the pinion shaft points upward.
82. Continue moving the gearbox toward the passenger's side until the steering gearbox is in position. Make sure the power steering return and inlet lines are routed above the gearbox.
83. Install the pinion shaft grommet, then remove the vinyl tape from the pinion shaft and the brake lines. Align the slot in the pinion shaft grommet with the lug portion on the valve housing.
84. Position the cutout on the mounting cushion as shown, then install it on the cylinder of the gearbox securely.
85. Reinstall the gearbox mounting bracket over the mounting cushion, and loosely install the two flange bolts.
86. Reinstall the steering stiffener plate and the gearbox mounting bolts on the left side of the gearbox, and torque them to 59 N.m (43 lb-ft).
87. Torque the flange bolts on the right side of the gearbox alternately, in two or more steps, to 59 N.m (43 lb-ft).
88. Loosely connect the inlet and the return lines by hand.
89. Reinstall the inlet line holder and the return hose on the gearbox mounted bracket.
90. Reinstall the inlet line holder on the front suspension subframe. Make sure that there is no interference between any other parts and the inlet and the return lines.
91. Torque the return line flare nut to 28 N.m (21 lb-ft).
92. Torque the inlet line flare nut to 42 N.m (31 lb-ft).
93. Raise the jack supporting the front suspension subframe.
94. Reinstall the front suspension subframe rear bracket. Torque the new 12 mm flange bolt to 93 N.m (69 lb-ft) and the 14 mm special bolt to 103 N.m (76 lb.ft).
95. Reinstall the front suspension subframe front bracket. Torque the new 12 mm flange bolt to 54 N.m (40 lb-ft), and the 14 mm special bolt to 103 N.m (76 lb-ft).
96. Torque the new front suspension subframe left mid mount bolts to 49 N.m (36 lb-ft) and the mount bolt to 44 N.m (33 lb.ft).
97. Torque the new front suspension subframe right mid mount bolts to 49 N.m (36 lb-ft).
98. Reinstall the splash shield.
99. Reinstall the power steering heat shield.
100. Wipe off any grease contamination from the ball joint tapered section and threads. Reconnect the tie-rod ball joints to the knuckles.
101. Install the tie-rod end ball joint nut, and torque it to 43 N.m (32 lb.ft). Insert a new cotter pin, and bend it.
102. Remove the engine hanger adapter and the engine support hanger.
103. Install the front wheels, then set the wheels in the straight ahead position.
Before installing the wheels, clean the mating surfaces of the brake disc and inside of the wheel.
104. Lower the vehicle.
105. Reinstall the lower steering joint cover.
106. Recheck the steering rack to make sure that it is centered within its stroke.
107. Position the steering wheel column joint so the bolt opposite the notch is within the range shown.
108. With the rack in the straight ahead position, cut the wire and slip the lower end of the steering joint onto the pinion shaft. Remove the wire.
109. Align the bolt hole on the steering joint with the groove around the pinion shaft, and loosely install the joint bolt. Make sure the joint bolt is securely in the groove in the pinion shaft. Pull on the steering joint to make sure it is fully seated.
110. Torque the steering joint bolt to 28 Nm (21 lb-ft).
111. Reinstall the upper steering joint cover.
112. Remove the steering wheel holder.
113. Reconnect the negative cable to the battery, then do these operations:
^ Turn the ignition switch to ON (II); the SRS indicator should come on for about 6 seconds, then go off.
^ Enter the anti-theft code for the audio system and the navigation system (if equipped).
^ Set the clock (on vehicles without navigation).
^ Make sure the horn, the turn signal switches, and the steering wheel switches work properly.
114. Fill the power steering system with fluid, then bleed the air from the system.
115. After the power steering system is filled and bled, do these checks:
^ Start the engine, and let it to idle. Turn the steering wheel from lock-to-lock several times to warm up the fluid.
^ Check the steering wheel spoke angle. If the steering spoke angles to the left and the right are not equal (the steering wheel and the rack are not centered), correct the engagement of the joint/pinion shaft splines.
^ Set the steering column to the middle tilt and telescopic positions, then do the front toe inspection/adjustment.