Headlight Replacement
Headlight ReplacementLeft side
1. Make sure you have anti-theft codes for the radio and navigation system, then write down the customer's audio presets. Make sure the ignition switch OFF.
2. Disconnect the negative cable from the battery first, then disconnect the positive cable.
3. Remove the battery.
4. Remove the front bumper.
5. Remove the four mounting bolts, and pull the headlight (A) out slightly.
6. Disconnect the connectors (B) from the headlight.
7. Remove the two bolts and the corner upper beam (C) from the headlight.
8. Install the headlight in the reverse order of removal.
9. After replacement, adjust the headlights to local requirements.
Right side
1. Remove the front bumper.
2. Pull up the front portion of the fender trim, and remove the mounting bolt from the inside of the fender.
3. Remove the three remaining mounting bolts, and pull the headlight (A) out slightly.
4. Disconnect the connectors (B) from the headlight.
5. Remove the two bolts and the corner upper beam (C) from the headlight.
6. Install the headlight in the reverse order of removal.
7. After replacement, adjust the headlights to local requirements.