OnStar(R) - Loses Minutes/Memory
09-015April 10, 2009
Applies To:
2005 MDX w/Navi - From VIN 2HNYD1...5H500001 thru 2HNYD1...5H549197
2005 RL - From VIN JH4KB16..5C000001 thru JH4KB16..5C021598
OnStar Control Unit Replacement for Lost Minutes (Units)
Under certain conditions, the OnStar control unit loses its memory when the battery is disconnected or goes dead. This memory contains the number of minutes (units) remaining on the client's personal calling account. The personal calling account is an optional OnStar service.
The OnStar control unit is faulty.
Replace the OnStar control unit, then register the new control unit with OnStar, and add the client's remaining minutes (units) to their personal calling account.
OnStar Control Unit:
MDX - P/N 39530-53V-A81
RL - P/N 39530-SJA-A01
In warranty:
The normal warranty applies.
Operation Number: 756101
Flat Rate Time: MDX - 1.0 hour RL - 0.9 hour
Failed Part: MDX - P/N 39530-53V-A81
RL - P/N 39530-SJA-A01
Defect Code: 03214
Symptom Code: 03220
Skill Level: Repair Technician
Out of warranty:
Any repair performed after warranty expiration may be eligible for goodwill consideration by the District Parts and Service Manager or your Zone Office. You must request consideration, and get a decision, before starting work.
^ Acura included 30 free trial minutes (units) of the personal calling feature that were good for the first 60 days of ownership to the original purchaser of the vehicle.
^ If the client has billing information identifying them as the user of the personal calling feature (client paid for additional minutes), the OnStar control unit in the vehicle should accurately track the number of remaining minutes (units) on the account.
^ With the client present, verify the number of minutes (units) remaining on their personal calling account (steps 1 and 2 below), and write down the number of remaining minutes (units) on the repair order. If the client does not have a personal calling account, begin at step 3.
^ OnStar control units are not interchangeable between vehicles. Control units are assigned an electronic serial number (ESN) and a mobile identification number (MIN), which is a cell phone number associated with the vehicle's VIN.
1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II), and wait for the OnStar system status indicator to turn green.
2. Press the CALL ANSWER/CALL END button.
^ After the system responds with "OnStar ready," say Unit.
^ After the system responds with "Verify or add," say Verify, then listen for the number of minutes (units) remaining. Write down this number; it may be needed when reloading the minutes (units) into the new control unit (step 12).
^ Push the CALL ANSWER/CALL END button to end the verification.
^ If the system responds with "Personal calling unavailable, Goodbye," the client does not have a personal calling account.
^ If there are no minutes (units) remaining, but the client claims they have purchased minutes (units) that were lost, contact OnStar:
- Press the ONSTAR button once. (Press it twice if the OnStar system has never been activated.)
- When the agent answers, tell them you are from an Acura dealer, and you want to verify your client's most recently purchased minutes (units).
- Write down the number of minutes (units) on the repair order.
3. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
4. Before you install the new OnStar control unit, write down its STID and ESN serial numbers. These numbers are on the control unit's label. They are needed when you register the new control unit with OnStar.
You can also photocopy the control unit label to have a record of the serial numbers.
5. Replace the OnStar control unit:
^ Refer to page 22-496 of the 03-06 MDX Service Manual, or
^ Online, enter keywords ONSTAR REM, and select OnStar Control Unit Removal / Installation (With OnStar System) from the list.
^ Refer to page 23-230 of the 05-08 RL Service Manual, or
^ Online, enter keywords ONSTAR REP, and select OnStar Control Unit Replacement (With OnStar) from the list.
6. New control units must be switched from Shipping mode to Market mode before they are registered. (A control unit in Shipping mode causes the OnStar system status indicator to alternately blink red and green.)
To switch the control unit from Shipping mode to Market mode, do this:
^ Turn the ignition switch to ON (II). The OnStar system status indicator flashes red and green.
^ Press and release the EMERGENCY button.
^ Press and release the ONSTAR button.
^ Press and release the CALL ANSWER/CALL END button.
^ Press and release the VOICE ACTIVATED KEYPAD button.
^ After the system responds with "Pardon," press and release the CALL ANSWER/CALL END button again.
7. With the ignition switch in ON (II), make sure the system status indicator changes from red to green (this can take 20 seconds). If the indicator stays red, turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0) and back to ON (II), then wait until it changes to green. If the indicator still does not change to green, troubleshoot the OnStar system:
^ Refer to pages 22-472 and 22-473 of the 03-06 MDX Service Manual, or
^ Online, enter keywords ONSTAR DESC, select OnStar System Description (With OnStar System) from the list, and refer to screens 14 thru 18.
^ Refer to pages 23-205 thru 23-207 of the 05-08 RL Service Manual, or
^ Online, enter keywords ONSTAR TROUBLE, and select How to Troubleshoot the OnStar System (With OnStar) from the list.
8. Park the vehicle outside, and keep the ignition switch in ON (II).
Make sure you have the new control unit's serial numbers and the number of personal calling minutes (units) purchased by the client for the original control unit.
9. Call OnStar by pressing the ONSTAR button twice.
If you can't connect to OnStar using the OnStar button, or if you can connect but the agent can't get the vehicle's data or its location, the new control unit needs a new MIN (mobile identification number, or cell phone number). To get a new MIN and activate it, go to MIN REWRITE.
10. When the agent answers, tell them you are from an Acura dealer, and you need to talk to the OnStar Technical Support Group (OSTA) about getting a new MIN. Make sure the agent doesn't connect you with the GM or Acura tech line.
11. When OSTA answers, tell them you are an Acura technician, and you need to register a new OnStar control unit. The OSTA agent will guide you through the registration.
12. If needed, ask the agent to reload the personal calling minutes (units); these minutes (units) should not exceed the most recent purchase by the customer. OSTA may verify the most recent purchase during this process. When the process is completed, end the call by pressing the CALL ANSWER/CALL END button.
13. To verify that the minutes (units) were loaded, repeat steps 1 and 2 of REPAIR PROCEDURE.
Before calling OnStar, make sure you have the the new control unit's STID and ESN serial numbers, and the number of personal calling minutes (units), if any, that the client purchased for the original control unit.
1. Press the EMERGENCY button. When an OnStar agent answers, tell them that this is not an emergency, and say that you are from an Acura dealer, and you need to talk to the OnStar Technical Support Group (OSTA) about getting a new MIN. Make sure the agent doesn't connect you with the GM or Acura tech line.
2. When OSTA answers, say that you are an Acura technician, you need to register a new OnStar control unit, and the new unit needs a new MIN. The OSTA agent will guide you through the registration process and give you a new MIN for the new control unit. Write down the new 10-digit MIN; you will use it during the programming process.
The agent should ask you for the ESN of the new control unit. If they don't, make sure you give them the ESN.