Voice Guidance Cannot Be Heard
Voice guidance cannot be heardNOTE:
- Always check the connectors for poor connections or loose terminals.
- Before troubleshooting, write down the customer's audio presets, and get the radio and navigation system anti-theft codes.
- After troubleshooting, enter the radio and navigation system anti-theft codes, and the audio presets.
1. Press the display unit SET-UP button.
2. Check the volume setting for the navigation system.
Is it set to OFF?
YES - Set the volume to an audible level.
NO - Go to step 3.
3. Check the radio operation.
Can you hear the radio?
YES - Go to step 4.
NO - Troubleshoot the audio system.
4. Go into the Diagnostic Menu and use the "Navi System Link" test to check the radio.
Is "Radio" icon red?
YES - Troubleshoot the audio system.
NO - Go to step 5.
5. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
6. Disconnect the navigation unit connector B (14P) and the audio unit connector A (20P).
7. Check for continuity between body ground and navigation unit connector B (14P) terminals No. 5, No. 12 individually.
Is there continuity?
YES - Replace the affected shielded harness.
NO - Go to step 8.
8. Check for continuity between navigation unit connector B (14P) terminal No. 5 and the audio unit connector A (20P) terminal No. 13.
Is there continuity?
YES - Go to step 9.
NO - There is an open in the circuit between the navigation unit and audio unit. Check for poor connections or loose terminals at the audio and navigation units. If a poor connection or loose terminal is found, replace the affected shielded harness.
9. Check for continuity between navigation unit connector B (14P) terminal No. 12 and the audio unit connector A (20P) terminal No. 12.
Is there continuity?
YES - Go to step 10.
NO - There is an open in the circuit between the navigation unit and audio unit. Check for poor connections or loose terminals at the audio and navigation units. If a poor connection or loose terminal is found, replace the affected shielded harness.
10. Substitute a known-good audio unit, and recheck.
Is the system OK?
YES - Replace the original audio unit
NO - Replace the navigation unit.