Dash Lights Brightness Controller
Dash Lights Brightness Controller Test/Replacement1. Remove the instrument fascia.
2. Disconnect the 6P connector (A) from the dash lights brightness controller (B).
3. Remove the two screws and the dash lights brightness controller.
4. Check for continuity between the No. 5 and No. 6 terminals.
- There should be continuity when the ILLUMI (-) button is pressed.
- There should be no continuity when the ILLUMI (-) button is released.
5. Check for continuity between the No. 4 and No. 6 terminals.
- There should be continuity when the ILLUMI (1) button is pressed.
- There should be no continuity when the ILLUMI (1) button is released.
6. Check the LED by connecting battery power to terminal No. 1 and ground to terminal No. 2. The LED should come on.
7. If the continuity is not within the specifications, or the LED is faulty, replace the controller.