Interior - Rear Shelf Rattles While Driving
04-043December 16, 2011
Applies To:
Rear Shelf Rattles
(Supersedes 04-043, dated March 25, 2009, to revise the information marked by the asterisks)
Under SYMPTOM, new information was added. Under WARRANTY CLAIM INFORMATION, a new Failed Part number was provided.*
There is a buzz or rattling coming from the rear shelf area while driving. The sound may also be described as speaker noise or vibration.*
Do the DIAGNOSIS, then do the necessary REPAIR PROCEDURES.
Door Lining Clip: P/N 91560-584-A01
(two required for the high mount brake light; eight required for the rear shelf)
Snap Fitting Clip: P/N 90666-584-A01
(two required for the high mount brake light)
Center Seat Belt Retractor Insulation Pad:
P/N 74813-SEP-A00
Center Seat Belt Retractor
P/N 04823-SEP-A01ZE (Black)
P/N 04823-SEP-A01ZF (Gray)
P/N 04823-SEP-A01ZG (Ivory)
Diagnostic CD: T/N 07AAZ-5DBA100
EPT Sealer 3T: P/N 06990-5A5-000
(One roll repairs about 10 vehicles.)
Wool Felt 1T: P/N 06993-5A5-000
(One roll repairs about 20 vehicles.)
Insulation Pad: P/N 72846-282-003AH
(One pad repairs about 10 vehicles.)
Double-Sided Tape: 3M P/N 051131-06385
(One roll repairs about eight vehicles.)
The normal warranty applies.
*Failed Part: P/N 82455-SEP-A01ZA*
Defect Code: 06201
Symptom Code: 04201
Skill Level: Repair Technician
^ It is very important to test-drive the vehicle with the client to determine which rattles or squeaks the client is complaining about.
^ Do not use the Honda audio diagnostic CD with the client present as it can create more vibrations and rattles than the client complains about. It is important to understand the client complaint, and then use the Honda audio diagnostic CD to recreate and locate the source of the noise.
1. Test-drive the vehicle, and carefully listen for the noise that the client is complaining about.
Is the noise coming from the rear shelf area? Yes - Go to step 2.
No - Disregard this service bulletin, and look for other causes of the noise.
2. Remove the rear shelf, and do all the necessary REPAIR PROCEDURES 1 thru 7 on the applicable vehicles (see CORRECTIVE ACTION AND VEHICLES AFFECTED for VIN information). To remove the rear shelf:
^ Refer to the Body section of the appropriate service manual, or
^ Online, enter keyword SHELF, and select Interior Trim Removal/Installation-Rear Shelf Area from the list.
3. Test-drive the vehicle with the rear shelf removed. Is the noise coming from the rear shelf area gone?
Yes - The repair is complete. Reinstall all removed parts.
No - Do REPAIR PROCEDURES 8 and 9 on the applicable vehicles. The repair is complete. Reinstall all removed parts.
2004-06 Models - All:
2007 Models thru VIN 19U.....7A004013:
1. Before installing the insulation pad, test-fit it without the double-sided tape to familiarize yourself with how the pad rests under the front of the seat belt retractor frame.
2. Remove the locating pins on the pad, and add the double-sided tape as shown.
3. Clean the area of the rear shelf where the insulation pad will be attached with alcohol to ensure a good bond.
4. Place the insulation pad in the proper location, and press it down firmly to secure it to the rear shelf.
5. Pull and retract the seat belt several times to make sure that the belt operates smoothly and doesn't contact the insulation pad. If there is any interference between the seat belt and the insulation pad, reposition the insulation pad.
6. Reinstall all removed parts.
2004-2006 Models - All:
2007 Models thru VIN 19U 7A002333 only:
1. Cut twelve 15 mm x 20 mm pieces of wool felt. Apply one of the felt pieces to the back of a second piece of felt (double them up).
2. Apply one piece of wool felt to each side of the child seat anchor opening. Make sure the ends of the wool felt fold over the lip as shown.
3. Repeat step 2 on the other two child seat anchors.
4. Reinstall all removed parts.
2004 Models thru VIN 19UUA6...4A009119:
Apply a piece of wool felt between the rear shelf and the lock hook to remove the gap, then reinstall all removed parts.
2004 Models thru VIN 19UUA6...4A028025:
Remove the suspect speaker(s), apply EPT sealer 31
to the mounting flange, then reinstall the speaker(s).
*2004-08 Models - All:*
1. Remove the high mount brake light cover:
^ Refer to the Body Electrical section of the appropriate service manual, or
^ Enter keywords HIGH MOUNT, and select High Mount Brake Light Replacement from the list.
2. Install new clips into the high mount brake light cover, and install the cover, then reinstall the cover and all other removed parts.
*2004-08 Models - All:*
Install new clips into the rear shelf trim, then reinstall the rear shelf trim.
2004 Models - All:
2005 Models thru VIN 19UUA6...5A000036:
1. Remove the seat belt retractor from the rear shelf.
2. Cut two 12 mm x 100 mm pieces of wool felt. Apply one piece to the back of the second piece (double them up).
3. Peel the backing off the second piece of felt, and center it onto the bottom side of the retractor. Make sure the edge of the felt is against the back of the retractor frame. Then wrap the ends of the felt around the top side of the retractor, and firmly press them into place. Make sure the felt is not under the edge of the retractor mounting bolt.
4. Reinstall the retractor, and make sure the noise is gone before installing the remaining parts.
2007 Models thru VIN 19U 7A025482 only:
Replace the rear center seat belt retractor:
^ Refer to page 24-10 of the 2007-08 TL Service Manual, or
^ Online, enter keywords REAR BELT, and select Rear Seat Belt Replacement from the list.
2004-08 Models - All:
1. Remove the two speakers and the subwoofer from the rear shelf:
^ Refer to the Body Electrical, or Audio, Navigation, and Telematics section of the appropriate service manual, or
^ Online, enter keywords REAR SPEAKERS, and select Speaker Test(Replacement from the list.
2. Cut six 75 mm x 205 mm pieces of insulation pad.
3. Install two pieces of the insulation pad (one in the front and rear) of the speaker opening as shown.
4. Repeat step 3 for the other speaker and subwoofer openings.
5. Reinstall all removed parts.