Starter Solenoid: Testing and Inspection
Starter Solenoid Test
1. Do the battery terminal disconnection procedure.
2. Remove the harness clamp (A), then disconnect the positive starter cable (B), the motor wire (C), and the 1P connector (D).
3. Check the hold-in coil for continuity between the S terminal and the armature housing (ground). There should be continuity.
- If there is continuity, go to step 4.
- If there is no continuity, replace the solenoid.
4. Check the pull-in coil for continuity between the S terminal and the M terminal. There should be continuity.
- If there is continuity, the solenoid is OK.
- If there is no continuity, replace the solenoid.
5. Install wire and the connector in the reverse order of removal.
6. Do the battery terminal reconnection procedure.