Rear Seat Armrest Replacement
Rear Seat Armrest Replacement
NOTE: Take care not to tear or damage the seat covers.
1. Fold down the left seat-back.
2. Unzip the left seat-back cover (A), then pull back the seat-back cover/pad (B) as needed. Remove the armrest mounting bolt from the armrest pivot shaft.
3. Raise the left seat-back.
4. Remove the clip (A) from the armrest pivot shaft (B).
5. Slide the armrest (A) toward the driver's side, and remove the pivot shaft (B) from the collar (C).
6. Remove the pivot shaft (A) from the collar (B), then remove the armrest (C).
7. Remove the collars (A) from the seat-back (B).
8. Install the armrest in the reverse order of removal, and apply medium strength liquid thread lock to the armrest mounting bolt before reinstallation.