Headlamp Alignment Switch: Service and Repair
AFS OFF Switch Test/Replacement
1. Remove the instrument fascia Instrument Fascia Removal / Installation.
2. Disconnect the 6P connector (A) from the AFS OFF switch (B).
3. Check for continuity between the terminals in each switch position according to the table.
- Make sure the correct test lead (+ or -) is placed on the terminal.
- When checking for continuity across the diode, use the diode setting () on the digital volt/ohm meter to check the diode bias.
- Be careful of this characteristic; a diode is one that conducts fully in one direction (forward) and not at all in the opposite direction (reverse).
4. If the continuity is not as specified, remove the screws and replace the switch.
5. After replacement, do the adaptive front lighting control unit learning procedure Adaptive Front Lighting Control Unit Learning Procedure.