Horn Switch: Testing and Inspection
Horn Switch Test
- SRS components are located in this area. Review the SRS component locations Locations, and precautions and procedures Service and Repair before doing repairs or servicing.
- Check for a blown No. 10 (10 A) fuse in the under-hood fuse/relay box. If it is blown, check for a faulty horn relay.
1. Turn the steering wheel 180 degrees from the center position and remove the cover (A).
2. Disconnect the horn switch 2P connector (B).
3. Connect horn switch 2P connector terminals No. 1 and No. 2 with a jumper wire. The horns should sound.
- If the horns sound, check or adjust the installation of the driver's airbag assembly and the horn switch plate.
- If the horns don't sound, go to step 4.
4. Remove the jumper wire from the horn switch 2P connector.
5. Remove the steering column covers Steering Column Cover Removal/Installation.
6. Remove the driver's airbag assembly Driver's Airbag Replacement.
7. Disconnect the cable reel subharness 20P connector (A).
8. Connect cable reel subharness 20P connector (A) terminals No. 11 and No. 12 with a jumper wire. The horns should sound.
- If the horns sound, replace the cable reel subharness.
- If the horns don't sound, go to step 9.
9. Disconnect cable reel connector A (20P) from the cable reel (B).
10. Connect cable reel connector A (20P) terminals No. 1 and No. 2 with a jumper wire. The horns should sound.
- If the horns sound, replace the cable reel Service and Repair.
- If the horns do not sound, repair an open in terminal No. 2 or No. 1 wire, or a faulty driver's MICU, replace the driver's under-dash fuse/relay box, USA models Driver's Under-Dash Fuse/Relay Box (Driver's MICU) Removal and Installation (USA Models), Canada models Driver's Under-Dash Fuse/Relay Box (Driver's MICU) Removal and Installation (Canada Models).