Fuel System - Injection Cleaner Adapter Kit
November 17, 1988
Service Manager - Immediate Action Required
Field experience indicates that the adapter used to attach the cleaner container may not puncture the seal of the container. The adapter is designed to be hand tightened and use of force may cause the thread connection of the container to twist off, allowing pressurized contents to discharge and cause injury.
A new adapter will be shipped, free of charge, November 18, 1988, UPS 2nd day air, to all dealers participating in Automatic Shipment # AT093, and to all who ordered this kit after the Automatic Shipment. Only upgraded kits will be shipped in the future.
Upon receipt of the new adapter, immediately attach a warranty tag to the old adapter indicating your dealer number and ship to your Zone/ Distributor Service Department for appropriate credit.
The adapters can be identified as follows:
Please inform all of your personnel of this notification; and for their protection insist that:
^ No attempts should be made to modify or use the old adapter, functional or not.
^ The adapter is hand tightened only to the container. Over tightening may rupture container.
^ Appropriate eye protection be worn by personnel, in and around the work area, where this procedure is being performed.
Should additional questions arise, please contact your Zone/Distributor Service Manager.