Seat Belt System - Inspection Procedure
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Subject Key Points Number
Seat Belts Inspection procedure for complete seat belt
system 85-68-02
Part Identifier N/A
C August 23, 1985
A visual and functional inspection of seat belts is recommended to assure maximum protection for vehicle occupants.
Seat belt assemblies must be replaced after being subjected to loading by occupants in a collision.
The following inspection is described separately for front, rear and center seat belt positions. It includes all continuous loop, single retractor 3-point restraint systems, 2-point automatic (passive) front seat restraint systems, and all non-retractable belt systems.
System inspection, front seat
Examples of Webbing Defects:
Webbing Inspection
- check for twisted webbing due to improper alignment when connecting buckle
- fully extend webbing from retractor. Inspect webbing and replace with new assembly if following conditions are noted:
^ cut or damaged webbing
^ broken or pulled threads
^ cut loops at belt edge
^ color fading as a result of exposure to sun or chemical agents
^ bowed webbing see page 3 for examples of webbing defects
Do not bleach or redye seat belt webbing. Webbing that is severely faded will not meet strength requirements and must be replaced.
Belt assemblies must be installed in sets. Do not interchange buckle and retractor assemblies with those designated for other seating positions or other car models.
If webbing cannot be pulled out of retractor or will not retract to stowed position, check for the following conditions and clean or correct as necessary:
^ dirty webbing coated with gum, syrup, grease or other foreign material
^ twisted webbing
^ retractor or loop on B-pillar out of position
Clean the belt webbing only with a mild soap solution recommended for cleaning upholstery or carpets. Follow the instructions provided on soap container.
Buckle Inspection
- insert tongue of seat belt into buckle until audible click is heard. Pull back on webbing quickly to assure buckle is latched properly
- replace seat belt assembly if buckle will not latch
- depress button on buckle to release belt
^ belt should release with a pressure of approx. 2 lbs.
- replace seat belt assembly if buckle cover is cracked, push button is loose or pressure required to release buckle is too high
Retractor Inspection
Front retractors are dual sensing and will lock up in two modes. The unit will lock up as the belt is being withdrawn from the retractor if the inertia increases dramatically. Also, the unit will lock up with a change in vehicle motion such as rapid braking.
- grasp seat belt webbing and, while pulling from retractor, give belt a fast jerk
For automatic belt vehicles this mode is difficult to inspect due to a low setting of the inertia unit.
- drive vehicle in an open area away from other vehicles at a speed of approx. 5 to 15 mph and quickly apply footbrake
- if retractor does not lock up under these conditions, remove and replace seat belt assembly
A passenger can be used to test the right hand retractor. The driver alone can test both retractors simultaneously by grasping the right hand webbing, extracting approx. 26 inches from the retractor and holding the belt while braking.
Seat belt warning light/buzzer
A light in the instrument panel displaying the words "fasten seat belts" or "fasten belts" along with an audible signal that lasts for four to eight seconds should be noticed when the ignition switch is moved to the "on" or "start" position and the drivers belt is unlatched. If the driver's belt is latched the buzzer should not activate.
For 2-point automatic belts, both belts must be connected to the door in order to start the vehicle. The "fasten belts" light should activate if either automatic belt is disconnected after starting.
Correct any malfunctions in this system if the customer desires.
Anchorage Inspection
Seat belt mounting bolts are installed at 35.3 N-m to 47.0 N-m (20 to 35 ft.lbs). Retractors must be securely anchored in place. The bolts at the lower belt anchor point (not the retractor) and upper seat belt loop must be tight and still allow the hardware to swivel. Anchorage areas must be sound and uncorroded.
Reinforce bolt mounting area if necessary.
System inspection, rear seat
Webbing/buckle Inspection same as for front seat
Retractor Inspection
Rear seat retractors lock automatically when the webbing is extended and allowed to feed back into the retractor.
- check retractor by extending webbing and fastening to buckle. Allow several inches to feed back into retractor and then jerk belt sharply
- if retractor does not lock up, remove and replace seat belt assembly
Lap and shoulder belts (rear seat)
The 3-point system for the rear seat is the same as for front seat except for the light and buzzer warning system.
Anchorage Inspection same as for front seat
Center seat position (and non-retractable belts)
Some models have a rear center seat belt. These belts do not have a retractor. In addition to checking the webbing and anchorages, the adjustable slide locking of the belt must be checked.
- fasten tongue to buckle and adjust by pulling webbing end at right angle to connector and buckle
- release webbing and pull upward on connector and buckle
- If slide lock does not hold, remove and replace seat belt assembly
Center seat position (retractable belts) same as for rear seat retractor inspection
Labor operation: 68 75 72 1 (1984 Audi 5000)
T. U. 30 (front and rear belts)