Connector Locations
Wire ConnectorsT - wire distributor, near relay panel
T1 - single, engine compartment, left
T1a - single, engine compartment, right
T1b - single, blue, behind instrument panel
T1c - single, engine compartment, right
T1d - single, behind instrument panel (slip ring)
T1e - single, engine compartment, left
T1f - single, behind instrument panel
T1g - single, green, engine compartment, left
T1h - single, behind instrument panel
T1i - single, engine compartment, right
T1j - single, engine compartment, right
T1k - single, power window, central locking, and door contract switch harness
T1m - single, anti-theft harness
T1n - single, anti-theft harness
T1o - single, engine compartment, right
T1p - single, engine compartment, right
T2 - double, engine compartment, right
T2a - double, red, behind instrument panel
T2b - double, black, engine compartment, left
T2c - double, black, engine compartment, right
T2d - double, blue, behind instrument panel
T2e - double, driver's door
T2f - double, yellow, behind instrument panel
T2g - double, black, behind instrument panel
T2h - double, behind console
T2j - double, engine compartment, right
T2k - double, behind instrument panel
T2l - double, gray, behind instrument panel
T3 - three point, behind instrument panel
T3a - three point, spring strut, LF
T3b - three point, spring strut, RH
T3c - three point, brown, behind instrument panel
T3d - three point, white, behind instrument panel
T3e - three point, yellow, behind instrument panel
T3f - three point, black, behind instrument panel
T3g - three point, gray, engine compartment
T3h - three point, behind instrument panel
T3i - three point, behind instrument panel
T4 - four point, blue, behind instrument panel
T4a - four point, black, engine compartment, right
T4b - four point, red, behind instrument panel
T4c - four point, behind instrument panel (prod. test only)
T4d - four point, power window, central locking, and door contract switch harness
T4e - four point, behind instrument panel (board comp conn)
T4f - four point, in A/C harness
T4g - four point, white, behind instrument panel
T4h - four point, engine compartment, right
T6 - six point, blue, behind instrument panel
T6a - six point, brown, behind instrument panel
T6b - six point, brown, behind instrument panel
T6c - six point, brown, behind console
T6d - six point, white, behind instrument panel
T6e - six point, auto-check symbol display
T6f - six point, behind instrument panel
T6g - six point, yellow, behind instrument panel
T6h - six point, behind instrument panel
T6i - six point, engine compartment, right
T6j - six point, behind instrument panel
T8/ - eight point, auto-check symbol display
T8a/ - eight point, green, behind instrument panel
T9/ - nine point, behind instrument panel
T12/ - twelve point, at instrument panel
T14/ - fourteen point, at instrument panel
Wagon Only
T1f - single, behind inst. panel
T1m - single, anti theft harness
T1n - single, anti theft harness
T2 - double yellow, behind inst. panel
T2a - double, behind inst. panel
T2f - double, black, behind inst. panel
T3d - three point, white behind inst. panel
T4a - tour point, green behind inst. panel
T6 - six point, blue, behind inst. panel
T6b - six point, brown, behind inst. panel
T6j - six point, behind Inst. panel
T7 - seven point, trunk lid