Brakes - Noise
August 14, 1989
Brakes - Steering
Applies To:
5000S as of 1986
80/90 all m.y.
100 all m.y.
Brake Noise
(supercedes Prod. circ. 88-03, dated 8/24/88)
Brake noise is mainly the result of vibrations between components of the brake caliper assembly.
The following procedure has proven effective in reducing brake noise and eliminating customer complaints arising from noisy brakes.
Brake noise will be effectively reduced only if ALL steps of this procedure are followed. Use only Plastilube Moly 3(R) high temperature grease, P/N ZVP 264 103. Similar products may not have the lubricating qualities necessary to achieve successful results for this repair.
Front brake caliper
Brake pads must have anti-vibration material (arrow). If not, replace pads with P/N 443 698 151 F.
^ inspect pads, deglaze and clean face of pad with sandpaper if necessary.
Part numbers are for reference only. Always check with your Parts Department for latest information.
^ slightly chamfer (bevel) edges of brake pad material with file
^ clean brake pad carrier contact points (arrows) and apply Plastilube Moly 3(R) high temperature grease, P/N ZVP 264 103
^ clean and lubricate caliper piston with high temperature grease
a install anti-knock shim (shim has six [6]
indentations), chrome color. P/N 443 615 231 A,
(arrow) into caliper piston (two required)
^ apply thin coating of high temperature grease on
surface of shim
^ apply small amount of high temperature grease to spring contact points when reassembling
Rear brake caliper
^ remove brake pad carriers and clean pad contact points (arrows)
^ apply Plastilube Moly 3(R) high temperature grease, P/N ZVP 264 103. to pad contact points of pad carriers
^ remove paint on back of pads using sandpaper or wire brush
^ install anti-vibration stickers, P/N 171 698 993, to backs of all four rear brake pads and trim to proper size
^ deglaze face of pads with sandpaper, if necessary
^ slightly chamfer (bevel) edges of brake pad material with file
^ install brake pads and lubricate spring contact points with high temperature grease
Brake discs, front and rear
Glazed discs must be cleaned using a power disc-type sander and 80 grit sandpaper. Sand brake discs to achieve a "cross-hatch" pattern:
Brake discs, front and rear
Glazed discs must be cleaned using a power disc-type sander and 80 grit sandpaper. Sand brake discs to achieve a "cross-hatch" pattern:
^ lightly sand in clockwise direction using leading edge of sanding disc
^ continue to sand in clockwise direction using trailing edge of sanding disc
Labor operation:
Front 46 36 55 0
diagnosis: 5
repair: 80
Q.C. 5
Rear 46 38 66 0
diagnosis: 6
repair: 100
Q.C. 5