90000 MI or 144000 KM
LubricateSunroof / Moonroof Track
Drive/Propeller Shaft
Brakes and Traction Control
Check for damage & leaks, check pad thickness, check/adjust pedal travel, check pressure regulator, adjust hand brake.
Idle Speed
Except Turbo
Clutch Pedal Assembly
Check clutch free-play.
Compression Check
Wiper and Washer Systems
Check function and fluid level.
Steering and Suspension
Check ball joint & tie rod dust seals check tie rods, check drive axle boots. Check ball joint & tie rod dust seals, check tie rods.
Power Steering Fluid
Fuel Tank
Fuel tank and lines.
Fluid - M/T
Fluid - Differential
Final drive, automatic.
Exhaust System
Constant Velocity Joint Boot
Brake Fluid
Spark Plug
Positive Crankcase Ventilation Valve
Diesel only.
Oxygen Sensor
Reset mileage counter.
Oil Filter, Engine
Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
5000 gasoline engine only. Not required for Calif. warranty. Mini fuel filter screen; 1984-87 4000S, Coupe, 4000 Quattro: Remove hollow bolt with screen from inlet side of fuel distributor, install new bolt without screen (Part No. N0210712, 4-cyl.; 049133245, 5-cyl.). Tank fuel filter: 4000 & Coupe only, Not required for Calif. warranty.
Fluid - A/T
Engine Oil
Drive Belt
Recommended replace on Diesels.
Air Filter Element
Not required for Calif. warranty.