Refrigerant Component Replacement Recommendations
Replacement A/C compressors, evaporators, and condensers are filled with nitrogen. If gas does not escape when component is first opened, it is possible that the component is faulty. Do not install. Accumulator should be sealed to prevent contamination from relative humidity (moisture).To prevent moisture contamination, do not open components packed with a desicant bag (accumulator, restrictor) until ready to install.
When A/C refrigerant system is discharged and a component is replaced, also replace the restrictor. If the system has been open (discharged) beyond the normal assembly time, or if moisture is found in the system, always replace the restrictor and accumulator.
When replacing components or if dirt has penetrated (for example, as in damage due to collision) always replace refrigerant oil. Use compressed air to collect oil that runs out, and replace with same volume.
If refrigerant oil is dark or thick, remove oil from all system components including compressor and refill with fresh oil. When compressor is disconnected, use hand to turn pulley to help remove oil. See A/C system specifications for refrigerant oil capacities.