Capacity Specifications
CAPACITY, Refill:4-cyl. 2.0L:
1989-90 80, 90 2.5 liters 2.6 quarts
5-cyl. 2.2L, 2.3L:
1989-91 80, 90 3.0 liters 3.2 quarts
1989-91 100, 200 4.0 liters 4.2 quarts
1990-91 Coupe Quattro 4.0 liters 4.2 quarts
1992-94 S4 4.5* liters 4.8* quarts
V6 2.8L:
1992-94 90,100 5.0* liters 5.3* quarts
V8 3.6L:
1990-91 V8 Quattro 8.0* liters 8.5* quarts
V8 4.2L:
1992 V8 Quattro 7.5* liters 8.0* quarts
1993-94 V8 Quattro 9.5* liters 10.0* quarts
Capacity shown is without filter. When replacing filter, additional oil may be needed.
* Capacity shown includes filter, add specified amount, run engine to operating temperature. Recheck level and correct as necessary.