Removal and Installation
1. Loosen axle nut, then raise and support vehicle.2. Remove axle nut, wheel bolts, and wheels.
3. Remove axle shaft from differential flange, then press ball joint out of bracket using a suitable puller.
4. Loosen control arm mounting bolts at subframe, then swing control arm downwards.
5. Remove tie rod using a suitable puller. Install nut on tie rod end to prevent damage to tie rod threads.
6. Remove parking brake cable grommet from bracket.
7. Remove brake caliper retaining bolts, then remove brake caliper without disconnecting brake lines. Position caliper aside by tying to body with wire.
8. Remove brake disc.
9. Press axle shaft out of hub using tool V.A.G. 1389, or equivalent.
10. Support suspension strut from below, then remove luggage compartment trim and cap from top of strut.
11. Remove nut at top of strut, then remove strut assembly.
12. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Apply a 1/4 inch bead of locking compound D6 around the end of the splines of the stub axles. Allow at least one hour for locking compound to harden before driving vehicle.
b. Tighten nuts and bolts to specifications.