Manual Transmission/Transaxle: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.2. Raise and support vehicle.
3. Remove upper engine to transmission attaching bolts.
4. Remove electrical connector for speedometer sensor by pressing in clips.
5. Install engine support 10-222A or equivalent, then remove splash shield, if equipped.
6. Disconnect oxygen sensor harness from transmission, then remove oxygen sensor.
7. Remove exhaust manifold bolts, then separate exhaust pipe at catalytic converter and remove from transmission.
8. Remove automatic seat belt tensioning system cable from transmission.
9. Remove bolt for shift rod at transmission and separate.
10. Remove heat shield for inner right CV joint.
11. Disconnect axle shafts from transmission, then tie axle shafts to body.
12. Remove heat shield for bonded rubber bushing on right side.
13. Support transmission with transmission support VW 1383, or equivalent.
14. Remove strut at rear of transmission, then the clutch slave cylinder, leaving hydraulic line attached.
15. Remove lower engine to transmission bolts, then pry transmission back and lower from vehicle.
16. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Ensure centering (dowel) sleeves are installed in cylinder block.
b. Press clutch slave cylinder in with lever until bolt can be easily installed. A replacement bolt for mounting clutch slave cylinder is available with a pointed tip for easier installation.
c. Tighten nuts and bolts to specifications.