Fuel Filter: Description and Operation
Fuel Supply Components:
Fuel Filter (High Pressure):
The fuel filter, located under the car near the fuel tank (along with the pump and accumulator), is a high pressure canister type fuel filter. The filter removes even very small (microscopic) particles from the fuel. Because of the high pressures and large volume of flow in the fuel system, tiny particles can erode away the sealing surfaces and damage the fuel distributor and injectors. Larger particles can plug up the tiny orifices and restrict fuel, or collect between the sealing surfaces of injectors or regulating valves, preventing them from operating properly.
Fuel Filter (Low Pressure):
Because of the shape and location of the fuel tank on some models, a small filter is installed in the line between the tank and fuel pump, instead of a pick-up filter screen in the tank.
Fuel Distributor Inlet Banjo Bolt Mini-Filter:
A small filter screen (mini-filter) is also built into the banjo bolt at the fuel inlet to the fuel distributor.