Connector Locations
T1 - single, red, in instrument panel harnessT1a - single, red, in instrument panel harness
T1b - single, yellow, in instrument panel harness
T1c - single, black, behind instrument panel, left
T1d - single, brown, on Radio (Alarm System Contact)
T1e - single, black, behind console
T1f - single, black, below back seat, left
T1g - single, green, near compressor
T1h - single, on B-column, left, on Central Locking System Sensor, Left
T1i - single, on B-column, right, on Central Locking System Sensor, Right
T2a - double, black, on Glove Compartment Light
T2aa - double, grey, below back seat, left
T2ab - double, green, near compressor
T2ac - double, on B-column, left, on Central Locking System Sensor, Left
T2ad - double, on B-column, right, on Central Locking System Sensor, Right
T2ae - double, below driver's seat
T2af - double, below driver's seat
T2ag - double, below driver's seat
T2ah - double, below driver's seat
T2ai - double, below passenger's seat
T2aj - double, below passenger's seat
T2ak - double, below passenger's seat
T2al - double, below passenger's seat
T2am - double, green, under back seat, left
T2an - double, green, under back seat, right
T2ao - double, on Sunroof Motor
T2ap - double, on Telephone Speaker
T2aq - double, on Telephone Microphone
T2b - double, near instrument panel
T2c - double, inside front of roof
T2d - double, in trunk lid harness
T2e - double, wheel well, right rear
T2t - double, engine compartment, right front
T2g - double, wheel well, left rear
T2h - double, engine compartment, left front
T2i - double, behind instrument panel
T2x - double, black, DLC (Data Link Connector) on auxiliary relay panel I
T2y - double, white, DLC (Data Link Connector) on auxiliary relay panel I
T2z - double, blue, DLC (Data Link Connector) on auxiliary relay panel I
T3 - three point, yellow, behind console
T3a - three point, white, on ignition coils, connector (15)
T3b - three point, blue, on KS (Knock Sensor) 1
T3c - three point, blue, on KS (Knock Sensor) 2
T3d - three point, white, on Power Output Stage
T3e - three point, black, on CKP (Crankshaft Position) Sensor
T3f - three point, grey, on RPM (Engine Speed) Sensor
T3g - three point, behind shock absorber, right
T3h - three point, behind shock absorber, left
T3i - three point, black, in door, left rear
T3j - three point, black, in door, right rear
T3k - three point, white, on ignition coils, connector (15)
T3l - three point, white, on ignition coil with Power Output Stage 2
T3m - three point, brown, near gear shift lever
T3n - three point, on Fog Light, Left
T3o - three point, on Fog Light, Right
T4 - four point, black, on Power Output Stage
T4a - four point, black, in engine compartment
T4b - four point, black, on instrument cluster
T4c - four point, black, on ignition coil With Power Output Stage 2
T4d - four point, green, under back seat, left
T4e - four point, green, under back seat, right
T4f - four point, for sunroof regulator
T5 - five point, yellow, on Outside Air Temperature Display
T5a - five point, black, in driver's door
T5b - five point, black, in passenger's door
T5c - five point, black, near interior light, front
T6 - six point, blue, connector station 2
T6a - six point, green, connector station 2
T6aa - six point, brown, in instrument panel harness
T6ab - six point, orange, connector station 2
T6ac - six point, white, connector station 2
T6ad - six point, white, in luggage compartment, left rear
T6ae - six point, connector B on V94, below back seat, right
T6af - six point, black, connector station 1
T6ag - six point, black, coding plug, in electronic box, in footwell, right front
T6ah - six point, white, connector station 1
T6ai - six point, yellow, connector station 2
T6aj - six point, orange, connector station 1
T6ak - six point, brown, below driver's seat
T6al - six point, brown, below passenger's seat
T6am - six point, orange, connector station 1
T6an - six point, green, under driver's seat
T6ao - six point, green, under passenger's seat
T6ap - six point, orange, connector station 1
T6b - six point, yellow, connector station 1
T6c - six point, red, connector station 2
T6d - six point, grey, connector station 2
T6e - six point, yellow, connector station 1
T6f - six point, red, connector station 3
T6g - six point, black, connector station 3
T6h - six point, brown, connector station 2
T6i - six point, green, connector station 1
T6j - six point, blue, connector station 1
T6k - six point, black, connector station 2
T61 - six point, red, connector station 1
T6m - six point, yellow, connector station 1
T6n - six point, red, connector station 1
T6o - six point, brown, connector station 1
T6p - six point, blue, connector station 1
T6q - six point, brown, connector station 1
T6r - six point, grey, connector station 1
T6s - six point, black, on Cruise Control Switch
T6t - six point, dark brown, connector station 1
T6u - six point, blue, in instrument panel harness
T6v - six point, yellow, connector station 3
T6x - six point, violet, connector station 1
T6y - six point, black, in luggage compartment, left rear
T6z - six point, white, in instrument panel harness
T8 - eight point, connector 3, on Radio
T8a - eight point, connector 2, on Radio
T8b - eight point, near telephone handset
T10 - ten point, connector 1, on Radio
T1Oa - ten point, on instrument cluster (Computer Display Unit)
T1Ob - ten point, black, in driver's door
T12 - twelve point, on CD changer interface
T12a - twelve point, brown, on cruise control, Control Module
T12b - twelve point, connector A on Vg4, below back seat, right
T12c - twelve point, on Servotronic Control Module
T12d - twelve point, on A/C Control Head
T13 - thirteen point, brown, on Turn Signal Switch
T13a - thirteen point, black, on Light Switch/Headlight Dimmer/Flasher Switch
T13b - thirteen point, on CD Changer Unit
T14 - fourteen point, black, on instrument cluster
T16 - sixteen point, connector C on '(94, below back seat, right
T16d - sixteen point, on A/C Control Head
T16e - sixteen point, on A/C Control Head
T20a - twenty point, on A/C Control Head
T25 - twenty-five point, on Telephone Transceiver
T26 - twenty-six point, red, on instrument cluster
T26a - twenty-six point, green, on instrument cluster
T26b - twenty-six point, on Mirror Memory Control Module
T35 - thirty-five point, on ABS Control Module
T55 - fifty-five point, on ECM (Engine Control Module)