Distributor: Adjustments
1. Remove spark plug from #1 cylinder and install compression gauge in spark plug threaded hole.
2. Turn crankshaft by hand, in the normal direction of rotation until compression shows on gauge.
TDC Timing Mark On Harmonic Damper:
3. Continue turning crankshaft until TDC timing mark on harmonic damper lines up with pointer.
4. Remove distributor cap from right side distributor.
5. Check rotor position.
Distributor Showing Rotor Lined Up With Reference Mark On Distributor Housing:
^ Rotor should line up with timing mark on distributor housing.
If not, loosen distributor hold-down bolt, rotate distributor until rotor properly lines up with timing mark on distributor housing and re-tighten bolt.
6. Remove distributor cap from left side distributor and check that rotor is lined up with the #1 spark plug terminal of distributor cap.
If not, loosen distributor hold down bolt, rotate distributor until rotor properly lines up with the #1 spark plug terminal of distributor cap and re-tighten bolt.