Limp - Home Mode
Mechanical Limp-home ModeIf the Transmission Control Module (TCM) should fail or critical problems occur while driving, the transmission is operated in the mechanical limp-home mode.
This is indicated in the selector lever display when all display segments are lit up at the same time.
Should a problem happen while driving, the transmission remains in 4th gear until the engine is switched off. In the limp-home mode, the vehicle may also be driven in position R.
After restart in the limp-home mode, and selector lever is in a forward driving position, 3rd gear is always engaged until the problem is corrected.
In the limp-home mode, the cruise control system is shut off.
Problems resulting in mechanical limp-home
This is a list of all faults, which lead to mechanical limp-home mode:
Fault code Fault cause
65535 Control unit defective - J 217
00258 Solenoid valve 1 - N 88
00260 Solenoid valve 2 - N 89
00262 Solenoid valve 3 - N 90
00264 Solenoid valve 4 - N 91
00266 Solenoid valve 5 - N 92
00281 Road speed sender - G 68 (Gearbox RPM sender)
00293 Multi-function switch - F 125
00532 Voltage supply
00789 Reversing switch - F 41
These are indicated by all the selector lever position segments lighting up in the instrument cluster.
Electrical Limp-home Mode
The transmission does not shift automatically, always in 3rd gear regardless of selector position.
The mechanical limp-home mode is not displayed.
Problems resulting in electrical limp-home
This is a list of faults, which lead to electrical limp-home.
Fault code Fault cause
00518 Throttle valve potentiometer - G 69
00529 No speed information
00538 Reference voltage
00545 Engine/gearbox electrical connection
00549 Consumption signal
These are not displayed in the instrument cluster.
If a problem continues to be detected, it is stored as a static problem.
If the problem goes away, it is stored as an intermittent problem.
If no new intermittent fault happens within the next 50 engine starts, the fault is automatically cleared.
If there is no drive, a fault in the TCM (J 217) can on principle be disregarded.
When replacing the transmission do not replace the TCM (J 217).
If there is no drive with program switch position "S" or "M" selected, check program switch (E 122).