Infrared Locking System
Infrared Locking System
The following condition(s) may exist:
^ Clicking noise (from power window control unit)
^ Battery completely drained
Internal malfunction in the bi-pressure pump, P/N ending in the suffix "B".
Replace the pump with the latest version pump, 4A0 862 257G (Note: The interior lights and the door unlock feature with the key will work differently from the original pump. (See Locking Pump Operational Differences.) Should the relay continue to click, it may have been damaged by the previous pump. Replace the relay.
Infrared system continues to lose function.
A defective infrared sensor in the "B" pillar can cause the system to stop functioning.
While testing the infrared receivers, if the correct voltage readings are not obtained, disconnect the left sensor and test the right. Then repeat the test by reconnecting the left sensor, disconnect the right and test the left. If one of these sensors are bad, the testing may show both are defective if this procedure is not followed.
Replace the defective sensor.
System begins to work backwards.
Rapid switching of the master lock/unlock switch in the drivers door or the lock rod button.
If either the switch or the button is activated in rapid sequence, the locking pump may become confused because the cycle has not completed itself before it receives the opposite signal.
Replace the pump with the updated version, "G".
As noted before in Technical Bulletin, Group 57, # 91-07, always remove the black, (center) connector first, then the remaining connectors to avoid damage to the pump. When reconnecting, connect the center (black) connector last.
System unlocks itself within a few minutes of locking the doors with the key or the infrared.
One of the door lock switches is not returning completely to its neutral position, thus after a few minutes the control unit will think it is receiving an unlock signal from that switch and unlock the entire system.
Test each switch individually for proper signals. See pin out sheet for 1598, test terminals 43, 44 and 45
Infrared function is inoperative, cannot reactivate.
Remember, some of the 1994 vehicles had the infrared system disconnected internally in the pumps. Older pumps may have other internal failures. Factory modified pumps without the infrared system can be identified by a gold sticker, stating, (keine I/R function)
Install the latest version pump, 4A0 862 257G.
When working on any infrared system complaints, ask the customer to supply both master keys so both can be tested, and in the event a new pump is installed, both keys can be programmed to assure proper operation of the infrared system when The vehicle is returned to the customer.
For further troubleshooting information, refer to Technical Bulletin, Group 57, # 92-04.