Vacuum Vent Valve: Testing and Inspection
8 PIN CONNECTORFig. 1 Control Unit Harness Connector Terminal Identification:
1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position.
2. Touch a jumper wire between control unit harness connector terminal 7 and ground, refer to Fig. 1.
3. If the vent valve fails to click, replace defective vacuum pump.
4. If valve clicks, check speed signal.
Fig.2 Control Unit Harness Connector Terminal Identification (12-Pin Connector).:
1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position.
. Connect a jumper wire between terminal Nos. 11 and 5, Fig. . Turn cruise control switch on. If vacuum pump does not run, proceed as follows:
a. Using a suitable jumper wire, connect terminal No. 6 to a good ground.
b. Using a suitable jumper wire, connect terminal No. 7 to a 12 volt source.
c. If pump runs, proceed to Vacuum Pump Vent Valve Check.
d. If pump does not run, repair open in wiring and/or replace pump.