Fig.1 Camber Angle:
Camber is the amount of center line that the wheel is tilted inward or outward from true vertical, Fig. 1. If a wheel tilts outward, camber angle is positive. If the top of a wheel tilts inward, camber angle is negative.
1. Loosen front and center ball joint mounting nuts until washer can be moved back and forth.
2. Install camber adjustment tool No. 3196, or equivalent, with hole in tool over center ball joint nut.
3. Turn spindle on tool so knurled pin on top of tool engages in hole in ball joint and tighten.
4. Place top of tool clamp over head of center ball joint bolt and tighten with knurled knob.
5. Loosen rear ball joint nut until washer can be moved, then turn spindle until desired camber is reached. If ball joint jams on control arm when spindle is turned (no camber change), move camber adjustment tool by pulling lever from side to side.
6. Pull front end of tool lever inward as far as possible while pushing rear end of lever outward with similar force and hold lever in position.
7. Have a helper tighten two outer ball joint mounting nuts.
8. Remove camber adjustment tool, then tighten center ball joint nut.
9. Tighten all ball joint nuts to specifications, then check toe setting and adjust if necessary.
10. Loosen upper strut nuts, then attach a socket wrench to strut nut and move in slots to adjust.
11. Tighten nuts to specifications, recheck camber and correct if necessary.